Monday, April 18, 2011

My nemesis

For the past few lents, I've given up soda, specifically Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi, depending on my preference at the time. It's always been a challenge, especially since at work we have free soda, and I tend to take full advantage, continuing the constant drinking at home. But while it's been a challenge, I've always made it--never a soda for 40 days.

And then there's this year. Seriously? I just can't live without it. I was fine at first, but knew I would have it during vacation. I can't fly without it, and, well, vacation is vacation. Then we got back and I was all ready to go the rest of the weeks without, but we also brought back really, really, really good rum. And I couldn't let Dave drink it all, so decided Diet Coke would be ok when mixed with rum. Suffice it to say, I drank a few more rum and cokes than I should have, all in the name of not drinking Diet Coke.

Finally I realized how stupid to drink rum and coke instead of just Diet Coke (plus we ran out of rum), and so I started drinking Diet Coke alone. There's always and excuse... I don't feel well, have a headache, would eat instead, need the caffeine. But I'm pretty disappointed in myself.

And it really wouldn't matter, except for Abby. Abby also gave up Diet Pepsi, and candy. She's been very good about it, and when I have a Diet Coke, she asks me why, I always give her an excuse. She asks me if she can have a drink, and even when I say sure, she still usually forgoes that in exchange for water, or even Sprite, which she doesn't like nearly as much. She certainly has more willpower than me this lenten season.

So, my commitment. There's not much time left, but I'm not having any Diet Coke until Sunday. I know, big deal, right? Well, it's something, anyway!

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