Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Time enough

On Tuesday, I met my friend Laura for breakfast. She mentioned how strange it was not to have any kids with her (her kids being David in kindergarten and Nathan in preschool). I immediately was envious, especially after Max jumped all over the place and then had to go to the bathroom, his patented 20 minute "I need to sit in the bathroom" go to the bathroom, that is. But then, I remembered not to wish it away, which is so hard some days. And it was just punctuated tonight by the fact that Ava wants to go to bed when she falls asleep. Not only do I do the ultimate mommy sin of letting her fall asleep while I'm holding her, I also don't put her down until I'm ready to go to bed. I just love to eat up that time, but no more. Now she falls asleep and she gets all squirmy, and sleeps better in her own bed instead of me holding her. It just reminds me, time enough, Jill, time enough.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh pickle!

Yesterday at lunch, Max decided he wanted a pickle, so I took the opportunity to give Ava her first pickle as well. Knowing that it could deliver some great pics, I grabbed my camera first, then set the pickle in front of her...

Hmm, what's this?

A pickle? Oooh!

And then, she just kept gnawing on it! No face, no nothing! Geez! What was I ready for? Guess I should giver her a lemon next time.

But, it did keep her in her seat for a good 20 minutes, so it was worth it anyway!

I had a conversation with Max this morning that was funny. As he opened the door, I said, "Wow! You have strong muscles!" Max: "Yup." Me: "Where did you get those muscles?" Max: "Christmas." Then he looked at me like "Duh!" Of course, Christmas.

And two more random pics... Ava getting ready for Dominican. Sometimes I can keep those shades on her, and other times, they come off before I even move my hand away.

And Max and Ava in their first wagon ride together. How big is she??

Happy weekend!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


In mid-January, Abby's teacher, Mrs. Herman, announced that she and her husband were selected as adoptive parents to a baby being born in early February. While disappointed that Abby would have a long-term sub during her maternity leave, I was so excited for her. She's a great teacher, and I'm sure would be a great mom. The baby came a couple of weeks early, at the end of January, and soon we got pictures and the happy announcement, and it was so awesome to see. Today Abby came home with the good news that Mrs. Herman would soon be back, but with the bad news that she didn't adopt the baby. The birth parents had six weeks to change their minds, and they did. So, after full maternity leave, sharing the joyous news with family, friends and an entire second grade class and their families, Mrs. Herman returns to teaching tomorrow. And I'm literally heartsick for her.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Woo hoo!!!

I just got my email telling me that my passport application has been processed and has been mailed to me. The latest it will get here is March 28. Which is before April 4. Which means I can go on vacation!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Now back to your regular programming

Wow! Who was it that wrote that last post? It certainly couldn't have been me!! Here's one that's a little more, ahem, normal. And shorter.

I was at WalMart this morning with Max and Ava. I got a cart, Max got in the big part and I put Ava's carseat in the top part. And the "I hand out carts" lady apparently thought I didn't do it right, and had to come over to let me know Ava was too close to the edge and would fall out if I turned a corner. I moved her over and thought ok, I guess that was nice.

Then, Max and I were back just coming out of the restrooms and apparently the same lady was going on break. Max was climbing onto the bottom rack of the cart (you know, where you put dog food or other big things) where I usually let him go and ride because, you know, we make it through the store faster, and the lady walks by and says "Oh, you can't go down there. That's too dangerous." Whatever.

Then, again, the lady was back at the front while I was going out. She had to check my receipt for some totes I bought, and because my hands were full she offered to put Ava's sun screen up, you know, because it's windy outside. I said no, that's ok. She looked at me and shook her head, and said, "It's really windy outside." I just said she's be fine and kept going.

I mean, seriously people. Really? Let me be! Four kids, and they've all survived WalMart to date!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

God, sex, and parachutes

Blogging is a strange thing. Sometimes I have so many things to write that I need to figure out what I should talk about, or I'll write many posts in a few days. Other days there's just nothing. I mean, Ava got two teeth and grew out of 6 month clothes, so I could talk about how quickly she's growing. Or, we've been shopping for the Dominican, and I still don't have my passport, so I could talk about how stressful that all is. But other than what I just said, there's just not that much to say about all that. Ya know what I mean?

But then last night I was talking with Abby, and church this morning was good, and so I planned to blog about both. But they go together kind of crazily, so try to stay with me!

So, I'll start with church. Sometimes I get a lot out of it, and some days, nothing at all. Those nothing at all days seem to correlate with the days I bring all four kids with me (Dave rarely joins us) and none of them want to cooperate, and then extra people sit in our pew who just don't fit, and I end up sweating bullets and hear nothing of the mass. But today was different. Today was me with Abby, Nolan, and Dave's parents. And Abby and Nolan were on their best behavior for sure (as were Dave's parents! :)). I actually got to listen!

From listening, I got two big things out of the sermon. First, the priest started talking about Charles Plumb, a Vietnam vet who was shot down, ejected, and parachuted into enemy hands. Thirty years later, after rescue and return to normal life, Plumb was eating in a restaurant one day when someone came up to him and said, "Hey! You're Charles Plumb!" Plumb had no idea why the man knew him, but it turned out the man packed his parachute for him, 30 years before. Upon reflecting on the man later that night, Plumb felt bad. He was sure he passed the man several times during a day, never once saying good morning. And yet, because of that man and his great work and attention to detail, he was living yet today. And so, the question is, who packs your parachute? There's a lot of people that help us each and every day--our family, friends, coworkers. Some in big ways and some in small. Are there people out there who you don't even think about, but yet make your day just that much better? I'm very fortunate... I feel I have a small army out there packing parachutes for me so I don't crash and burn. If you're reading this, I'm sure you're counted among them... Thank you!

Ok, then point two of the sermon (Dave keeps calling me too churchy lately. Maybe he's right. But whatever!). The gospel today was about the adultress and the angry mob who wanted to stone her, and Jesus told them that those without sin should cast the first stone. Now, instead of talking about the mob, and sin, Fr. Dan talked about the adultress. About how she did sin, but how in her heart she was searching for love in the wrong places (at which point he sang "Searching for love in all the wrong places, searching for love in too many faces... and I could only think of Eddie Murphy singing that on SNL, but that's a different story!). But anyway, he said how she could never find love in those places, and it was only Jesus who could fulfill that love.

And as he said that, it brought to mind my conversation with Abby last night about... sex. She asked again where babies came from, and I took a deep breath, and told her. Nothing too indepth, but she already knows the body part terms, so I just told her that one goes in the other, sperm, egg, blah blah blah, baby nine months later. She asked if grown ups have to close their eyes while doing this, because no one is allowed to see your private parts. (I'm so juvenile, it was so hard for me not to laugh.) I said it was private, but that with husbands and wives it was ok for them to see each other's private parts, but no one else. Then she asked if that's why Daddy and I do that in the garage. WHAT?!? (Ok, that one I giggled out loud.) Um, no. Really I'm not sure what she was talking about. But from sex we talked about sexy, and what sexy is in clothing and hair and style, and how it's ok to play sexy at home, but we need to respect our bodies, blah, blah, blah. And on her own, she said because God made us this way, and made us how he wants us, and so we can have babies. That's right! Then she changed subjects and we talked about books, and I took another deep breath and was SO HAPPY that was over.

But so, getting back to the sermon (are you still with me? More power to you if you are!). As Fr. Dan talked about the adultress looking for love, I suddenly realized how I need to talk to Abby about love and sex, eventually. How Jesus is the ultimate love story. We sing songs about us going to him just the way we are and Him--get this--accepting us! I mean, duh, right? But really? JUST the way we are? Don't we all want that? And yet, I can't believe anyone has that in their relationship. We all want to change something about the person we're with. And so I thought about that with Abby (and just because Abby is the first... it'll trickle down to Nolan, Max and Ava, too). How I need her to know that no one can complete her. The line from "Jerry McGuire" is a lie, and if you depend on someone else to complete you, you're going to be really disappointed. But, if you rely on your God relationship instead to complete you, whatever that relationship is, every other relationship will be rewarding in its own right, instead of disappointing.

Maybe I'm dumb. I mean, I've gone to church my whole life, and have heard a million times how Jesus accepts us just for us. Just like we are. No changing this or that. And if we complain about our troubles, he says, just give them to me. It's ok. But today, I felt like I got it! And it felt like such a gift, I just wanted to give it to Abby.

So that's it. It's how my weekend of God, sex and parachutes came to be. Pretty crazy, huh? Yup, that's me. But that's ok. :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gender identity issue

Max and I were watching a movie this morning when he declared, "I want to be a girl." A girl? Really? Yes, a girl like the goddess on tv. A girl like Abby. It's funny because I just read how, at this age, they really have no concept that you actually can't grow up to be a girl. Just like they have no concept that they can't grow up to be a dragon, or Batman, or whatever. Just when I looked at him again and said, "A girl?", he said, "No, I wan't to be a boy. Like Nolan." At least he has good role models, either gender! But you know what's funny? No matter how 'enlightened' I think I am, when he said that, it gave me a moment's pause, wondering, what if?

Of course, I shouldn't have been surprised. I mean, he wears a hair band nearly everywhere we go lately.
This is truly my favorite look. The hair band, and the Buzz Lightyear outfit. The outfit made for a Build-A-Bear bear!
He really liked the ponies in his hair. With the hair band. And with the SpongeBob top and the Spiderman pants. He's a fashion statement for sure.
With Max's blond hair, I think I could actually pass him off as my little girl if I wanted to!

Here's just cute pics of the kids I like.

The last picture is everyone with their new passports! Everyone was so excited. Except me. I forgot to send in my marriage certificate with mine, and my name changed since the last time I got my passport. I knew it immediately, but when I called, they told me I had to wait to get the letter from them telling me I forgot it, and then expedite the passport. UGH! I just want that passport in my hand!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ten Powerful Questions

I was reviewing some old files on my computer, and found Ten Powerful Questions that a good friend at work gave to me. I think they're really helpful in clarifying goals. The questions are:

1. What do you want?
2. What will achieving what you want do for you?
3. How will you know when you have it?
4. How will others know when you have it?
5. Where, when, and with who do you want to do it?
6. What stops you from having it already?
7. How will your desired outcome affect other areas of your life?
8. What resources do you already have that will contribute to getting your outcome?
9. What additional resources do you need in order to get your outcome?
10. How are you going to get there?

My question is, what happens when you can't answer Question #1??

A match made in, well, you know...

I think I've mentioned before that every now and again, I bring communion to an assisted living facility by my house. It's nothing I ever really thought I would do, but when the bulletin asked for people from Jackson to do it, I couldn't say no. I mean, it's going to the church I'd go to anyway, getting communion, and then taking 20 minutes longer to stop literally on my way home to give it. What's more, since I couldn't attend the training, I got signed up only for the fifth Sunday of every month (maybe four or five times a year) and as a substitute, and I kind of to the administration/coordination of it. Easy enough. Well, when I was at the facility last weekend, a woman was asking me if they'd ever get a priest to come to say real mass. Her listening to it on TV just isn't the same. And I immediately thought of my grandma (Nana). We couldn't go to her house during certain times, or had to be quiet, because she was listening to mass on TV. Well, it turns out the woman at the nursing home had been a teacher for 20 years at the catholic grade school in Hartford, and really wanted to go back to mass there. And me, deciding it didn't matter what church I went to, offered to take her. And when I asked her what her name was? It was Dorothy... Nana's name. And as we were driving yesterday to mass and she was talking about her family? Her youngest daughter is named Jill. I was pretty amazed to say the least.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Baby Steps

Well, Ava got her tubes in on Thursday... yeah! So far, she's had a little bit of improvement in sleeping, but is still waking up a few times before 11:00 PM, and then wakes up at 4:00 AM to eat. I haven't been good at putting her down before she falls asleep, or really getting her on any type of schedule. It's time! Baby steps...

I am so excited about the weather lately, but am worried that it's going to get cold and snowy again. And then I'll just be mad that it was warm and it teased me. But slowly, slowly, we're moving toward spring. Baby steps...

I don't want to jinx it, but I've been slowly, slowly losing weight. Some people have noticed which makes me excited. Except yesterday the scale went in the wrong direction. It made me want to not workout and eat cookies for breakfast. Why is that? But I was good, and got up this morning to get to the gym by 7:30. Baby steps...

I figure we might as well take baby steps... they're better than taking steps backwards!

Monday, March 1, 2010


We have been keeping the tooth fairy busy around here! Nolan lost a bottom tooth on Saturday (his fifth tooth overall) and then Abby lost an incisor yesterday (her eleventh overall). Between those, and of course Ava getting teeth from now until, well, two years from now, we're certainly covered in the tooth department. Even Max has caught the bug and keeps coming up to me, wiggling his teeth, and telling me he has a loose tooth too. Ha! I guess he feels left out.

Anyway, when Abby lost her tooth, she informed me that she things the pointy teeth are worth more, and that she thinks the tooth fairy will bring extra. Um, not so much. But, when she came into my room this morning, she told me that she got $1, but nothing extra for the pointy tooth. Then she asked me if I put money under her pillow. Hmmm, I asked why she thought that, and she said she didn't know, she just thought maybe I did. So I asked if she believed in the tooth fairy and if the tooth fairy left her money, and she said yes. So I pointed out that if we both left money, she'd have gotten more that one $1. That seemed to make sense. Then I asked what she thought the tooth fairy looks like, and she gave me a full description. But I do wonder... at what point when they ask, "Did you put money under my pillow?" or any other question of a fictitional character, do you say, "Yes, sweetie, I did."

In other news, Ava went to the ENT today and like I suspected, she'll be getting tubes. In fact, she's getting them on Thursday already. Once we got in, it was crazy fast! Hopefully all goes well and they work for her as well as they worked for Nolan.

Hope everyone had a good weekend! My friend Nicole came to visit, and let Abby do her hair and her nails. Abby was in heaven. Then Abby painted Max's nails, and put ponies in Max's hair. I got pictures that I'll post soon, I promise! (Nicole, I didn't get any pics of you this time... this one from last time will have to do. It's funny, Max, Nolan and Abby look so much older, but Nicole looks younger! :))