Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The word of the year is...

DELIBERATE. A blog that I follow over here is challenging her readers to come up with a word of the year. It could be anything, really. (If you go to her blog, it could be a couple posts back. And she actually got the idea from someone else, who probably got it from somewhere else, but still.) A list of potential words can be found here. I really wasn't going to come up with one, simply because one wasn't coming through for me. Oh there could be many, really. Simplify. Balance. Laugh. But for some reason, in the shower the other day, all of a sudden, it hit me. Deliberate. Or, I guess, deliberately. I want to live deliberately this year. When I put food in my mouth, I want it to be deliberate, and not just the leftover food from dinner on the kids' plates. When I sit down to hold Ava while she naps, I want to be deliberate about it, and not feel guilty that I'm not washing dishes, or making dinner, or a million other things I could (but not necessarily should) be doing. When I spend time with the kids, I want to be deliberate about it, putting myself whole-heartedly into the book, the blocks, the craft project or whatever else it may be I'm doing with them.

Deliberate. It may be tough, but I think it will be worth it.

How about you? Do you have a word of the year?


Jennifer Fink said...

Mine is Renewal.

CarolK said...

I'll have to think about my word for a while. But I like yours very much. You have to be deliberate about things when you have young'uns - otherwise the "should do"s will just steal away your time.

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