Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Max has gotten to be so funny. I look at pictures of him from when Ava's born, and I actually think she has aged him! Instead of the wispy blond hair, he now has textured, somewhat curly light brown hair. And his mannerisms are just crazy. He will now watch an entire movie (unheard of four months ago!) and his favorite is Flushed Away. I think I've seen it probably 30 times since we got it for St. Nick's just a month ago. It's pretty cute, so I don't mind too much, and I actually see or hear something new each time, but it's still a little overboard (I know this because I wake up singing "Poor Old Roddy, flushed down his own potty" nearly every day). And he says things that crack me up now. I asked him if he wanted juice. He replied, "Yes, please. I like juice very much!" He said that about candy, too. "I like candy very much." Really? Very much? Then we were playing a game the other day, and he wanted to watch, what else, Flushed Away, so I told him he had to help me pick up the game first. He said, "No. I'm busy." Then he sat on my lap as I cleaned it up. What? No way! Crazy kid.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

What a cutie! I think it is when these little ones start talking like adults that kill me. The other day I let them both have a bite of my chicken salad and Meghan said, "Mmmm...that's good Mommy." And Jack said, "Yes, it is."

Oh - and M&J just started sitting through movies, too. Meghan demands Princess movies and Jack wants the the cars movie. Ugh. What is this movie you are talking about? I'll have to look it up.

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