Monday, April 28, 2008

I need another weekend!

Where did this weekend go? It's crazy and I'm not ready for Monday.

Friday night, through tornadoes and thunderstorms, mom and dad came down for a visit and all started out well. Then, Saturday morning we had swimming lessons. Abby was great, but Nolan. Ah Nolan. We spent the 45 minutes Abby was in class crying, screaming, curled up in a corner, bribing, forcing and ended in hitting, head butting and kicking (I won't say what I did and what he did!) :). In the end, he ended up not swimming, Dave dragging him out and into his car (luckily we had two!) and taking him home to his room. It really, really was not fun.

Abby, Max, Mom, Dad and I went to lunch while Dave was throwing Nolan in his room, and Max threw up all over me.

We got home and mom and dad left and I took Abby and Nolan to the grocery store to pick up Nolan's birthday cake. By the end they were crying and yelling at each other so I made them put both hands on the cart while I stood in line and they couldn't talk. They were surprised, but they were quiet and didn't move! By the time we got home, I made the kids go up to their rooms for some quiet time, and asked Dave if it was ok if I did the same. Just as I was relaxed and going to take a nap, Dave's parents came. I debated about taking a nap anyway, but I decided to get up, and then the kiddos came down and everyone was doing good. Until I was holding Max on the couch and he threw up all over me. Again.

We had Nolan's birthday party Saturday afternoon, which was fun. Just the neighbors, Dave's parents and us, so pretty low key. We ordered pizza and had power ranger cake, opened presents, played with the Wii Nolan got and was glad the rest of the day was pretty uneventful!

Sunday was church, breakfast, home, more Wii-ing and then we were outside with the neighbors. That was fun. Max was still under the weather (pooping more than anyone would like to think about, very lethargic) but the outside air seemed to do him some good and the kids played great together. The only rough time was night and bedtime... Nolan was super tired so a breakdown was imminent. Luckily it wasn't too bad.

And now it's Monday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOLAN! He woke up not feeling too good (headache, tummy ache), so we'll see how it goes!

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