Monday, June 11, 2012

Unexpected fieldtrip

Early last week, my sister emailed me to let me know she had free passes for Six Flags for last week and this week, and let me know what days would work. After I picked Friday a week, she realized they had something going on, and so it wouldn't work so well. What would work, she said, was this Friday. (Which was last Friday. Confused yet?) So, long story short, I ended up moving all my meetings for last Friday on Thursday, and at 6 pm, told Alina she would have the day (her birthday!) off. Nice of me to give such advance notice, eh?

Despite the short notice, it all worked well, and we had a really great time. All the kids were great, they were all quite adventurous (despite Jen and I being not adventurous at all), they were well-behaved, and I only lost Max once. (Funny side note... I was holding a sleeping Ava when we realized Max was missing, so Jen went to look for him. After not-so-long a time, she located him talking to another woman and a park worker. When she went up to him, they asked if she was his mom, and Max looked at her and said, "No." Uh oh! Jen quickly said, "But I am your Aunt Jen, right?" Oh, right. Fortunately he agreed to that!)
Here's the full crew, lookin' pretty good! Ava, Erin, Kate, Abby, Chad, Max, Cole, Scooby and Nolan.

Nolan was the most adventurous, I think. We went on Superman, just the two of us, right away. I was done for, nearly puking for the next two hours at least. Nolan got off of Superman, went right onto King Chaos, and did anything that spins, twirls or goes upside down. He went on Batman by himself, and wanted to go on the new X Flight, but the wait time was just too long.
Nolan is in the red shirt. I thought he was going to puke on anyone below.

Ava and Max were pretty brave in their Krazy Kups...

And they even braved the Hopper.

And Erin was mighty brave with this Daffy Duck.

The water rides came at just the right time. It was definitely hot out, but really was quite comfortable. And, for whatever reason, there weren't many crowds or lines. Perfect!

The only bad thing was it was a little unfair for Scoopy to bite Ava's arm off. I mean, afterall, according to Rule #1 on every sign for every ride...

You must possess 1 (one!) complete arm and 1 (one!) complete leg to ride!

Another successful, and exhausting, day at Six Flags!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a great time! Let's do it again soon!

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