Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rum runners are DANGEROUS

Last weekend we had the opportunity to head to our friends the Phillips', who just happen to have a pool. The weather was perfect, the company was great, and the rum runners were flowing! The Phillips have two kids, each a year younger than Abby and Nolan. And then there were two other 9 year old girls over as well... everyone had a great time!

Erin, the mom, had a little too much to drink the night before so wasn't partaking in any adult beverages. I had a couple, but Dave and Rob, the dad, were hitting it pretty hard. Rob took a couple of breaks, but Dave, being in the pool the entire time, just kept going. I had to drag him out of the pool, and he turned into a beligerent drunk! I had to give him a hard time the next day, but truth be told, he didn't remember most of it. He felt really quite bad that he behaved so crazy, but fortunately, he wasn't hungover on Sunday, so all's well that ends well!

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