Sunday, February 7, 2010

Just pics. And some explanation.

Ok, I realized as I started this post that Blogger changed the way I upload pictures. Either that, or I did something with the new format. Either way, it may be easier to put things in order, but I didn't quite get it until it was too late. SO... pictures are still out of order, and all over the place! Bear with me...

So, finally, here's pics from Christmas. an example of Dave's parents' village, and Max on Nolan's skateboard.

Ava getting used to her tummy. She's not a fan.
The kids performing light rituals...
Max still on the skateboard
Abby and Nolan showing off their snowshoes
An M&M village houseAva in the wrapping paper
Dave's new shirt
Elephant Max
Ava with cousin Megan
Dave's sure Max has something in his pockets
The Gawrych Grandparents. Ava's carolingBig enough to be in her bouncy
Sisters...What Ava looks like every time I feed her
Abby making sure the boys get read toMegan and Jake and the village
We did spa day at our house. Abby and Nolan did my hair, Dave did the boys' hair, Abby and I did nails, and I did Max's toes. Then we decided that with Max's curly hair and that thing in it, he needed a toga!

That's it! I think I'm caught up on pictures, for a little bit anyway.

Have a happy week!


Jennifer Fink said...

Bet Dave never thought he'd have a shirt like that! :)

Bouncy Castle Hire Weston-Super-Mare said...

These little villages are well cool, we dont do stuff like that here in UK, but guess what someone will be next christmas :)

Bouncy Castle Hire in Weston-Super-Mare UK

procita said...

take your famili to visit cultural tourism bali and yogyakarta.

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