Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Matter of time

Abby had to have two teeth pulled yesterday. She really was a trooper, even thought she was dreading it all day. She got her entire bottom jaw numbed, and then two of the bigger baby teeth in the back came out. This is the second time she's had to have teeth pulled, so I guess she's a pro. She even had a softball game that night that she pitched in, and it wasn't until the very end that she complained that her mouth and jaw hurt a little bit.

That night, she put her teeth under her pillw, but was worried that the case would open up. I had her put it by the pillow by the edge of the bed (you can't even find her in her bed she has so much stuff in there!) and assured her it would be just fine. And then I promptly forgot about it, and Dave is out of town.

This morning, Abby came walking into my room and said, "The tooth fairy didn't come." Ugh. Quick brain! Make up something. But it was early, and my brain wasn't working. She climbed into bed with me and said, "How come the tooth fairy didn't come?" I just looked at her and said, "Do you want to know the secret?" She nodded, and I said you've been asking a lot, right? Then she asked if I was the tooth fairy.

Yup, that's me.

Then she asked me if Nolan knew. Nope. Then she was quiet. Then said, "Are you Santa Claus too?" I nodded. To which she quickly replied, "I can't believe you give us all that stuff!" Followed closely by, "Will I still get presents?"

I just laughed, assured her that she would, and asked her to be my helper going forward. I think she may enjoy that role even more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh... I think for being a "helper" she should get EXTRA presents. Right, Abby? :)


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