Sunday, October 25, 2009


I was watching Supernanny tonight, and while I usually like Jo's ideas, I don't usually follow them. Tonight, she wrote down all the negative words the mom and dad used to label their kids at the beginning of the show, and then she made them write down positive labels. I find myself often labeling my kids--Abby is the bad eater, the child with an attitude; Nolan is emotional and whiny; Max is wild and super crazy. Ava doesn't have any bad labels yet.

But you know what? Abby is also super helpful, social but not inappropriately so in school or other quiet areas, and goes out of her way to make everyone in a group feel included. She's always the one to befriend the new kids in school, has a great time when she's with friends, and just loves life.

Nolan is emotional, but it's because he just feels things so deeply. Tonight I told him he hurt my feelings. He didn't realize it, and when I said it he cried because he felt bad. His love is worn on his sleeve, and he so much wants to be a good friend, but just doesn't always know how to show it yet. He's also so fun and funny. He's always playing some silly game with Max and Dave and I just laugh at him all the time. Nolan is also so neat and organized. He may not always put things away, but his clothes are in his hamper, his bed gets straightened, he's proud of his appearance and his surroundings. Oh, and he's a baseball lover!

Max is just amazing in his physical ability. From potty training to bike riding, he just amazes me. But he also amazes me with his facial expressions, and his sense of humor. At two, he seems to get funny things, and how to be funny. That will be so fun to watch develop.

And everything about Ava is so amazing. I mean, she smiles! She coos! What more could you want? :)

I'd never say my kids are perfect. In fact, too often I point out why they aren't. But from now on, I'm going to try to remember (and tell them!) those really great things that I love about each one of them.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Great post! I actually have been working on a very similiar post over the past week or so. For some reason it is just taking me longer, but now it will look like I copied! ;-) People ask me all the time - which one is the hard one?, ect.

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