Thursday, October 8, 2009

I've lost my mind, I'm not sure I'll ever get it back

I remember when I had Abby I expected my baby brain to go away and my regular brain to come back. And, just as people warned me would happen, it didn't. In fact, I lost a little bit with each one. But this last one? It feels like it completely eroded my brain. Case in point...

Last night I decided that we'd go to the fire department open house before Abby's swim meet, and after I worked all day. In the hurried effort to get out the door (kids eating in the car), I forgot my wallet--no driver's license, money, nothing. Then, this morning, I left my iPod and my book at home when going to the Y. I know that sounds small, but one of the reasons I work out is so that I can read! I mean, exercise for an hour without anything good to read? Ugh, it was drudgery.

I guess I'm just lucky I don't forget Ava. Unless you count that one time that Max had to really pee, so I took him in the gas station, took him to the bathroom, got back out to the car and realized, oh crap, I forgot Ava. (Please don't call child services on me!) I feel like a bus driver--check for sleeping children! Then there are times when I'm driving in the car and think uh oh. Did I leave her at home? And on Wednesdays when I'm driving to work, and I'm all alone, I have moments of panic at least three times because it's so quiet.

I'm sure I'll figure it out soon. Of course, if I can never find my keys, it will just never be a problem!


Anonymous said...

you need a nanny... or a girls night with me...


Jennifer Fink said...

I forgot my purse at my brother Tom's in West Bend the other day. While I was mentally trying to figure out how to handle an orthodontist appt. in the AM with no driver's license, no money, no credity card and no checkbook, my brother showed up, with my purse. Great guy!

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