Yes! We went to the beach on a Tuesday. And I'm not on maternity leave, it's not vacation, and I didn't feel the need to neurotically check email constantly. I could get used to this for sure!
On the opposite side of that, though, another person gave notice at work today. That's SIX in as many days. We've had maybe six in the past three years prior to that. As much as I want to step away and not worry about it, it's still really hard. A big part of me wants to get in the middle of it all and figure out what's going on and formulate a plan to stop it. But instead, tomorrow I'll go to the zoo. :)
Those of us still here are jealous of your beachy Tuesday. Are you happy now??? :-)
Go to the zoo and forget about it. Life is too short to worry about the minute details. Enjoy yourself and your kids!
A good friend
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