She was a month early... just a little peanut at 5 lbs., 5 oz. She looked like a little doll.

And as she grew, she certainly got her own character! She LOVED these boots, but every time she wore them, her feet literally bled from blisters. But she never complained, just put some socks on and kept on going! And you gotta love the cookie in one hand with the finger up the nose in the other!

She was a huge fan of the Wiggles...

And was always a princess!

Here she is on the first day of school last fall. It was a rough day... her first day of school, Nolan moved up into a three-year old room, it was Max's first day of daycare ever, and my first day of work after maternity leave!

And here she is now, on her last day of school...

And here she's apparently practicing her '50s housewife look!

She lost four teeth, and has certainly learned a lot this year... her phone number, address, how to tie her shoes, how to write and how to read. And how to talk back, develop an attitude and a little mind of her own! But she's also become so helpful and a real person and able to help with Max and Nolan and is so smart and creative and I can actually have a real conversation with her! It's hard to watch her getting big, but it's also really worth it!
Our weekend was nice, even dodging the weather! Friday night we went to Action in Jackson. I know, all of you who couldn't go should be jealous! It was fun, and fun to see Dave at a small town festival. We got there and got wrist bands for the kids, and they rode a million rides. Abby and Nolan just loved the big slide you ride down with the burlap sacks, the roller coaster and the spinny strawberry things. I thought they might lose it on that, but they did pretty good! The we went home for a campfire, a "bath" for us and the kids in the hot tub (or hot pool, as the kids say) and then they had a sleepover next door. Nolan ended up back home around 4 in the morning. One of these times he'll make it all night!
Saturday was HOT! At least in the morning. So, we created our own fun outside. First, we have Max hanging out with the sprinkler...

And then there's the big kids with their very own homemade slip and slide!

Then, it was so hot, we decided Nolan needed a haircut. So, Rocky got out the clippers and gave him his summer buzz...

How cute is this kid, even with jelly on his mouth??

After that, the tornado sirens went off and down to the basement we went. We were at the neighbor's house and all hanging out and it looked pretty bad there for awhile. Luckily, it all seemed to go south of us. But the kids still needed their umbrellas, so I guess, when it rains, if you can't beat it, join it!

Saturday night our neighbor Cody came over to our house for a sleepover, I took him, Max, Nolan and Abby to church on Sunday morning, and then it was home to more rain. We were supposed to go to the Action in Jackson parade on Sunday, but it was rained out. So, we just spent the whole day recuperating, which was nice since I had to work today! (Work is going pretty good but hard... five people have given notice since last week. It seems to be some dominoes falling!)
Anyway, I thought I'd end again with more pictures. This is days late, but Dave brought me flowers on my first day at home with the kids. I thought that was very nice!

This picture is at my going away party at work. I think it's so cute of Abby!

And then there's this. The three kids probably played on this car for about 30 minutes today. I can't remember the last time any one of them played with a toy for that long!!

Hope all is well with everyone, and everyone had a happy Monday!
1 comment:
Well written article.
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