Oh yes, day 3, Sunday.
We got up and headed to St. Patrick's cathedral for 10:30 am mass. It is such a beautiful church, and only slightly hindered by the minor construction going on. Cardinal Egan, who was presiding over the mass, said they were just doing some minor aesthetic repairs now that the Holy Father had left. Oh yes! I forgot that the pope had just been in this very church! The Cardinal was wearing one of the vestements that the pope had given him, and also used one of the chalices. It was pretty neat. The Cardinal also applauded the choir, and because they had done such a great job when the pope was there, they were invited to the White House to perform as well. Very neat to be there! Then, after the Cardinal and flock recessed from the church he came back up our aisle. Renee was sitting on the end with Ben and he stopped and talked to him a little bit. After that we started on our way out and we ran into Carrie, who I work with. We both left on Friday and were on the same flight home, and I knew St. Patrick's was on her itinerary, but I didn't know which mass, and certainly didn't expect to see her in the massive crowd!
From there we debated between Central Park and the Manhattan Children's Museum. It was SO beautiful outside (unlike any weather forecast) so we headed over to Central Park.
The tulips were in bloom...

The kids were enjoying each other... mostly...

Max enjoyed Central Park Zoo (when he wasn't sleeping)

And from there we headed over to FAO Schwartz, where the kids played on...
The BIG Piano!

We got there right before a "professional" show, which was pretty neat to watch, too.

And don't forget Max checking out Chewbacca!

After that, we went shopping for all the things I needed to bring back for the kids (because even though they missed me, What did you get me? is the first thing that comes out of their mouths!) and then dropped it all off at the hotel. From there it was dinner at Olive Garden in Times Square (remember, we had two 10 month olds... Olive Garden is about as adventurous as we could get!) and then back to the hotel for BATHS! Neither Renee nor I could resist the naked baby pictures!!

After that, it was time for bed. Renee and Max fell asleep, no problem! I stayed up some finishing the wine that we bought and reading my book. Ben stayed up, just to pose for me and show me how he can outlast his mom...

In the morning, we got up, hung out at the hotel all morning, which was very relaxing. The babies took a nice nap, Renee and I relaxed and we were out around 11:30. We headed back to Renee's house, stopping on the way to her house from the subway to eat again. This time, Jon, Renee's husband joined us and entertained the babies!
From there, we went shopping (Sketchers, anyone?) and packed the kids for a short time into Renee's car
Then we took one final picture...
And Max and I got dropped off at the airport, we met up with Carrie and her mom, and then we headed home for an uneventful trip!
Dave and the kids picked us up from the airport where, as expected, they asked "What did you bring us?" and luckily I had some stuff in my carry-on. The biggest hit? Carpet skates. (Jen, do you remember tying books on our feet? Well, now you can spend money and get real live skates for the carpet!) Then it was off to bed until MORNING!
1 comment:
Nekkid baby butts - is there anything cuter???
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