So, I still haven't found my camera cord to transfer my pictures, but I didn't want to wait anymore to write about New York, and it just wouldn't have been as good without pictures, so I went to Walgreens and got a CD. The lady there gave me a coupon so it cost 99 cents. Highly worth it!
The trip started on Friday and I was very excited, but very tired. Carrie, who I work with and who just so happened to be going to NY the very same weekend and was actually on my flight home, called me to let me know that my flight was delayed. Great. And I couldn't get any info off the internet except delayed, but it didn't say for how long. So, we pushed our departure from home out a little bit and then picked up the boys from daycare and we picked Abby a half hour early from school. As soon as I saw her, I could tell that she wasn't feeling very well and ended up sleeping most of the way to the airport. When we got to the airport, I gave the kiddos a kiss and hug goodbye, grabbed Max and we were on our way! Everything seemed fine until Dave emailed me a little while later. Apparently Nolan didn't get a big enough hug and screamed and cried "I miss mommy!" for longer than I'm sure Dave was too tolerant of, but it still made me feel better. Then, about 10 minutes later, Dave emails me again. Apparently Abby really was sick and threw up. After that she was screaming "I miss mommy!" And Nolan was still screaming, but this time it was more to the tune of "Get the puke bag away from me!" I was sad (and happy, too!) that they missed me, but after all this, I was very happy to be stealing Max away and getting out of town for a little bit!
We got checked in and they told us that our flight was still on the ground in Minneapolis, so we settled in for the long haul. It was pretty neat because they had a play area in the airport that Max just loved. The only problem was the random girl you see below. Apparently her name is Gwen, and she's four, and she thinks she can pick up other people's children.
Max just loved the tunnels! I didn't think he'd go through them, but once he started I couldn't get him to stop.

Actually, it was interesting because I was hanging out with another family at the children's area (not Gwen's family) and they were on the same flight as me. We were waiting, waiting, waiting and then they went to get some dinner and I was changing Max into his pjs, and then our names were called. I got to the counter, and everyone else was already on board. Oops! I had assumed they would announce it louder since, even though we were late, this was an hour earlier than they had told us originally. At least I wasn't the only one late, and at least we made it! I felt awkward getting on the plane because I hate those last people that you feel are holding up the plane, and then I was in the very last row. There was a lady in my seat, but she moved when I came back there. I was sitting next to a guy who seemed nice, but when I said "I'm praying for sleep for him (Max)," the guy said nope, I can tell by the look in his eye that he's going to cry. That was all he said to me. Whatever! He did end up playing with Max and I just thought Whatever! But the flight was good. Max did cry a little bit, but ended up falling asleep and didn't wake up until I got my suitcase off the luggage carousel.
Renee picked me up from the airport with Ben (her 10 month old) and we went to her house Friday night. Max was pretty excited to be in a new place and was happy to crawl around and play with someone else's toys! He slept great, and so did I, and when he got up in the morning he was ready to go!

This toy was certainly Max's favorite. He played with it for as long as I would let him! I'm not sure Ben knew what to think of Max. Max is used to all those other kiddos in daycare, but Ben stays home with Jon, Renee's husband. Ben loved Max's nuk, face, ears, anything he could grab!
After we got ourselves together we headed to the subway. But first... FOOD! We stopped at a Greek place that has become a tradition for us. The babies got there first taste of some interesting food...
After some food, we finished making our way to the subway and headed to the hotel to check in.
After checking in and letting the babies crawl around for awhile, we headed out to see the town!
A sanitation worker took our picture for us. I also think she touched Max's and Ben's faces. I'm not sure how happy I am with that, but I'm happy to have the picture.

After getting some pictures, we headed over to the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a little chilly out, but it's always fun no matter where we walk. Although, stay out of the bike lane... they really don't like it if you're walking in the bike lane!

After the bridge, we decided we needed to grab something to drink, so we stopped at a place called Rebar. Apparently they were having their grand opening that night. We were unaware of that until we'd been there awhile. We were the only people there and were sitting in a separate area of the bar.
King Max holding court...
That's the first half of the trip! I need to get some sleep, but will try to finish the rest of the days tomorrow!
1 comment:
We are such awesome Moms!!!
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