The weekend here was nice. It started out Friday night going to the Brewer game. Dave had a suite for work, but couldn't fill it with clients so I invited quite a few people that I work with. I was super tired and didn't really feel like going, but it was a lot of fun. I got to talk to some spouses of people I work with, which was really nice, and the Brewers pulled out a nice win! Plus, it truly is nice to watch from the suite, with the comfortable bathrooms, food and drink right there, and the dessert cart. Can't forget the amazing dessert cart!
On Saturday our friends Lisa (Dummer) and Ben and their son Connor came to visit. They're from Steven's Point and came into town for an awards luncheon for Ben (he's a writer, and is good enough to win awards!) and so we watched Connor. What a cutie! The kids had fun with him, except Nolan had some difficulty sharing. He's used to Max, who doesn't care if he has the red car or the blue car! But, the kids had fun, and Connor even tried to do Abby's skip it. He didn't quite get to jump over it, but her certainly understood the concept!

The kids watched a movie to relax Saturday night, and they all went to bed great.

Unfortunately, Lisa got a migraine and had to lay down to get rid of it. Meanwhile, Dave and Ben hung out on the porch. Ben was writing an article and I guess Dave was his "expert." I just laughed... Ben was actually taking notes as Dave talked. Dave was in his glory!!

On Sunday we got up, had some breakfast, snapped a few pictures of the kids (including Dave!) and Ben, Lisa and Connor were off.

Unfortunately, they stopped in Appleton so Lisa could buy a Mother's Day gift for herself and Connor fell off the slide and broke his arm. They're also moving at the end of the month to Iowa. What a pain! Good luck Connor (and Lisa, too!!)!
My Mother's Day was really nice. After the Percy's left, we just hung out at home. Abby gave me a little pot she made in art from clay and a list from her class of why everyone's mom is special. Nolan made me bath salts. And the kids got me an ice cream cake. Yum! The best part was eating a piece of ice cream cake while using the bath salts Nolan gave me a taking a bath. Can't beat it!
Abby was in her room for the entire time I was taking a bath (which was an hour and a half, I'm embarassed to admit!) and she was counting all her money. She put all her pennies in ten groups of ten, and then I helped her count everything else out. She's been collecting all of Dave's coins every day when he comes home and she came up with a grand total of... $174.60!! My goodness. She wants to buy a cake and is worried she won't have enough. I told her she has to save some, give some to charity and can spend some. We'll see what all works out!
Then Cody, our neighbor's son came over and the kids disappeared in the basement. I'm still not sure what they were doing down there, but they were quiet, and eventually it all got cleaned up. We're so fortunate to have such great neighbors!!
Here's Nolan and Cody...

And Cody, Nolan and Kyan across the street, who was born on the exact same day as Nolan. Kyan doesn't look too happy, though, does he?

And here's the littlest of what we call the Creekside Clan (we live on Creekside Dr.). This is Kyle and Max... Kyle is 2 and a half months younger than Max. A big difference now, but not for long!

After that, we just hung out until bedtime, and then I blinked and it was Monday morning!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
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