Thursday, September 6, 2012


Tonight, I'm feeling a like a bad mom. Too disconnected. Not enough engaged. I knew that Max was behind a little bit. Letters, numbers, not really his thing. It's hard to get him to sit down and concentrate, but I didn't worry about it too much. I know it comes.

But tonight was an awakening. Circles, squares? I thought it was just a given that he knew. Purple, yellow? Even Ava knows those. But when I started working with him tonight, it became evident that he's a lot further behind than I originally thought. It even flashed through my mind that maybe, just maybe, I should pull him from kindergarten this year to spare him the need to repeat it next year.

A part of me wants to talk to his teacher immediately. The other (bigger!) part of me is way too embarassed to tell her that I didn't know that he was this far behind. How could I not know? So what do I do instead of talking to his teacher? Well, first, I set aside time every night to work with him. And then? Clearly, I blog. I'm hoping that by writing this, I will be able to look on it in June and laugh at my worried self.

How hard could this really be? Something tells me that Abby's calculus will be an easier task than this!

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