Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Definitely not 5 anymore

Nolan woke up this morning nearly giddy at the idea of being 6. He was the first one up of the kids, and relished me singing Happy Birthday (now that's saying something!). We blew up a ton of balloons and put them on his floor so he had to wade through them to get to the door, and he thought that was cool. He also got more presents today, that he got to open this morning, which just made him even happier. Obviously a day doesn't make a difference, but this kid, going from 5 to 6, he just seems older. Ready. For what, I don't know, but he'll be proud of it whatever it is.

I am most dumbfounded that he's 6. He wasn't even 2 when we moved into our "new" house. He was only 3 when Max was born, and not even 4 when I quit work (didn't I "just" do that?). And now he can read, has a bunch of friends that I never even met, and is (gulp!) a big kid. Time, time, time.


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