Monday, August 31, 2015

What would you do?

Written at the end of July... Just posting now! I think I remembered what I meant (it needed to be cleaned up because I did it through voice record) but some of it may still sound crazy!

Last night we had to drive down to Kenosha to drop the dog off so we could leave on vacation this week [before DC]. It's kind of tight quarters when you have my car, four kids and a dog all tucked into our five little passenger car. But, as always I try to make the best of it with the kids. On the way down there it started a little rough because Ava was a little bit crabby. After pulling over to the side of the road for a bit, she finally calmed down, switched places with Abby so she didn't have to sit next to Max, and all was well. 

We got to Kenosha without too much difficulty as the kids played on whatever device they were holding in their hands. We met Dave's mom and dad at Mars Cheese Castle, which is always an interesting place. There's a little tavern, of food area that is more like a fast food restaurant, and then all kinds of cheese samples. Basically anything you've ever wanted from Wisconsin, you can buy at Mars Cheese Castle. So after shopping and then letting the kids pick out some cheese, we grabbed something to eat and headed back home. Nolan started playing some songs on his phone, and it got me thinking about the lyrics and some different things, so I just thought we could play a fun game and I started to play "What would you do?" The kids have been watching the show on TV with John Stossel lately that's called "What would you do?" It basically shows people in different situations and whether they would react or not. So sometimes it might be people in a restaurant who have their kid in there, it's loud and they are yelling at them. 

I think my game started with Ava, when she said I don't like Barbies even though I know she likes Barbies. She was afraid that somebody was going to make fun of her and so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to let her know that she can be who she needs to be. So I asked her, "Ava, what would you do if you were on the playground or if you were in your classroom and asked somebody 'Do you want to play Barbies?' And they said 'Barbies are for babies.'?" The first thought that Ava had was that she would say "I don't like Barbies either." But Abby and Nolan and Max all said you can like Barbies, you don't have to either be friends with that person or you just don't have to play with them. By the end of it, Ava decided she could say "That's OK, we don't have to be twins. We can both play together but we don't have to play Barbies. We can do something else." I thought that was pretty good. 

Then we got into some deeper things. I asked Max what he would do if somebody like our babysitter's dad came and said "I'm here to take you home from summer school because Sara couldn't make it today." Nolan wasn't quite sure. He was going to ask for a drivers license, which I thought was funny because I don't know what he would do with that. We finally came to the conclusion that Nolan and Abby could just text me or call me before going home with anybody they didn't know, and Max and Ava need to go to an adult if they're at summer school... there's the office, there are teachers that they should go to, and not go just home with somebody that they don't know.

Then we got even a little deeper yet. I had Nolan play a song that was talking about a woman's hot body. We talked about what that means and why you would say that to someone. We discussed whether it would be a compliment or not and you could tell that Nolan was a little bit torn. He knows that he shouldn't do it but yet still a little bit I'm thinking that women might like it. I asked both Abby and Nolan what they think that they should do if somebody wants to date you but you don't really want to date them. I said what if it's a good friend of yours, they come to all your sporting events, they're really nice to you, they're super sweet and they ask you out to a movie what should you do? They both were trying to figure out how to let the person down easy so we talked about some other things you could do. I let them know you can always blame me. "My mom is so strict she won't let me do anything." You can also come up with alternatives that you could do instead. What if you said Let's go on a group date" instead of turning them down completely or not call it a date, but "As a group of friends let's see who wants to come over on Friday." 

Nolan liked it so much that once we got home he wanted to keep playing it. So next he talked about what if you were a senior in high school, and you went camping with friends, and you were 100 miles away and they brought out drugs. What would you do? I thought it was a really good question and I asked him what he thought. He thought he would excuse himself and go tell the police. I think it was funny because in every situation when I ask Nolan about what he would do if his friends did something wrong, he always said he would tell on them. I don't think Nolan would ever tell on his friends. In fact, I do believe that Nolan will be the one that will get in trouble because of peer pressure. So we talked about the drugs and what they could do and if there was only one car. And I let Abby and Nolan both know that if they ever get in a situation they can always call me. I don't care if they are 1 mile away or 100 miles away or a thousand miles away, I don't care if they are 11 or 21 or 51, although it would be kind of weird if they're 51 and their mom still comes and rescues them. But I would do it! So then we talked about what else they could do. If they didn't feel that they were in danger, they could just say no thanks, but still hang out with their friends. If it wasn't a dangerous situation you can still sit around the fire, you can go for a walk, all kinds of things that you can do camping even if you're not doing drugs. 

It was really interesting to see how the kids' minds work. Sometimes I knew they were trying to do the right thing but they didn't have alternatives. So it was eye-opening to me that as a parent, I'm the one that needs to provide them with alternatives. I need to be able to help them know how they are able to say no. Sometimes they know it isn't as easy as saying no, sometimes you have to be creative about it. Sometimes you just have to say no out right and helping them figure out the difference is going to be a real challenge.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Abby's poems

I found these in my notes app on my iPad...

Mom poem
You say that I was your first joy
Which makes me wonder if you were happy on your wedding day
But anyway, when I came into the world today
As your only daughter, you thanked God I wasn't a boy

By the time I turned 1, you said it was to soon
That I was growing up before you knew
But when I turned five I had no clue
That I would be obsessed with a cartoon

This wasn't just any cartoon, like a regular one
But a cartoon were big horrific balls of fur danced around the screen
Now when I turned ten and was a pre teen 
I looked back at this and said, how could watching this be fun?

My mom said I used to love these things
And she said where had the time gone. 
But now I am wondering what I've drawn
And if I'm ready to spread my wings.

And know mom, I am twelve
And I have learned some valuable things
Like how to deal with bee stings
And never stand on the top shelve

But the most important thing I learned mom
Is that if I know I'm like you, I know you did me right 
I will always be correct because with you I am bright
And mom, I just want to let you know, if you miss me, I will be with you, right in your palm.


Poem that one time
Remember that one time
When the earth shined and we basked in the sun
Not remembering what happened the minute before. 
I wonder what happened.

Remember that one time
When no one ever had a care in the world
And we all ran around the neighborhood
I wonder what happened

We all take things for granted
Like the great thing that we call life
But take a look around
Things are changing


From the royal top of the Eiffel Tower 
To the jagged tops of the Andes mountains
I am with you, I am a triumphant power

What I can create is greater than all
All of the powers of the world 
I stand proud and tall


Poem evil is good
Well.... Evil's evil. 
Evil is like a habit that cannot be stopped once you start it.
Evil is the horror that crawls around and everyone fears.
Evil should be considered one of the seven wonders of the world because it is that powerful.
But evil is not only just a bad thing like 
Loosing your iPhone or loosing a game.
Evil is more than that. 
Evil is the thing that tears this world apart piece by piece brick by brick 
And people from people. 
Evil is something that if you do not look up and see it now, 
You never will.
But evil is not just bad thing that everyone despises.
It has a good side.
The evil inside of us
Is untapped goodness that can be turned in to greatness and that greatness 
May just save the world one day.
And since without evil there really can't be good, 
I think evil can stay around for a little bit longer.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Every year I think I'm going to post baseball and softball, and at least for two years, I haven't been able to bring myself to do it. I always start out the seasons with anticipation and excitement, and by the end I feel like I've been put through the ringer a bit. Add to it the fact that you go from end of season straight to the stress of tryouts, then an abrupt end, and I suddenly feel a little post traumatic stress disorder just from seeing a pair of cleats!

All in all though, despite being busy, both Abby and Nolan had good seasons. Buca was the Warrior's mascot, and sometimes the center of attention. I don't think he minded.
 Ava and Max were always the tagalongs. But, they always found something to keep them busy. You can imagine that Ava's clothes did NOT look like this at the end of the day. A little bit muddier and a whole lot wetter!
 It's a win in Columbus! Well, second place in a hard fought game. Even Buca got in the picture.
 We tend to go out to eat A LOT during baseball and softball season, But we do have fun...

 Abby's team getting ready to go. Abby played on the U12 team, but also filled in for the U14s team as well.
 It's a 1st place WIN at the West Bend tourney!

 My kids! I love the matching uniforms. But next year Abby will be a Jackson J-Hawk, so no more matching. She'll be red and blue.
 We gotta have some fun, too!
 The boys got to play at Helfaer Field this year, the smaller diamond outside of Miller Park. Warm up in the parking lot? Why not.
 Quite the backdrop! Nolan would love to play there for real some day. Well, not as part of the Brewers, but if it's major league, I don't think he'd be too picky.
 Dave even got to announce.

 Back to Abby... she did A LOT of pitching this year. Really did a great job, considering she gave up pitching lessons because she didn't want to pitch anymore!
 Second place... they played well, and came back to tie it for extra innings, but couldn't hold them.

All in all, fun seasons. Good weather, good kids, fun families. It always feels good to be done, though!

Sunday, August 16, 2015


I don't really even know where to start with our trip to Washington D.C. To say it was the perfect vacation would be an understatement. Great friends? Check! Some tourist attractions? Check! Some of our nation's history, some fun family times, and relaxing by the pool? Check, check, and check!

It started out a bit bizarre because I ended up having training in Minnesota before heading out to D.C. So, Dave took the kids in the wee hours of the morning on Thursday, and I didn't get in until late Friday night. And, while I missed out those two days, I got to attend training with one of my favorite people from Direct Supply who used to be on my team. So, it wasn't all bad! But, I did miss them when I started getting pictures and I was stuck in a classroom...

From the airport...
 And then from the pool. I was really jealous here!
 Natural History Museum... it was just like in Night at the Museum! The quote I got with this picture was "Maybe the dingo ate your baby..."
 Someday, Ava.

 The National Mall is really cool.
 "I have a dream...!"
 And then some downtime too.
 On Sunday we took in an Orioles game. Camden Yard is just a really neat place to take in a ballgame. It was a little hot, and we did feel a bit baked in the sun in the outfield, but it was totally worth it. The kids all did amazingly well too, until the very end.

 Our hosts for the week... Brian and Tammy, and their kids Jack and Ellie. Brian's sister Martina was also there from Ireland, and we were happy to share the week with her... and happy they were all willing to let us share her week with them!

 Hello, Ellie!
 We also did a lot of Kinect Bowling. Too much fun! We ended up betting first on the grown ups (Martina was a shoe in... she works for Microsoft, and XBox!) and then the kids.
 Nolan and Ellie were the Imagination Bunnies...

 And they won!
 Well, hello Mr. Obama. We took a 4 hour tour of DC, and the rest of the kids got pretty tuckered, but Nolan just loved it. We talked about how big things happen in this city every day. We passed by restaurants and wondered who would eat there, making big deals. He was fascinated.
 He read every word in the Jefferson Memorial.
 One of our favorites was the newer FDR Memorial. It was all outside, and very kid-friendly. As well as fascinating!
 We talked about the Depression, and the people in line for work.
 Eleanor got her own part in the memorial too. I thought this quote was particularly moving... "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much. It is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." It does make you wonder what progress we have made.
 Max loved this part!
 Nolan is clearly a MLK Jr. in the making.
 Lincoln Memorial is my favorite. It's just so amazing.
 And the Korean War Memorial is very humbling.
 I had three kids with me by the time we passed by Arlington. Nolan and Dave went off to explore further. I would love to go spend more time at Arlington. Just my short time there was very moving. But it was just through the bus window as Abby, Max and Ava were all sleeping.
 Oops... another baseball pic!
 On Tuesday Dave took Abby to the Holocaust Museum while I took the others to the National Building Museum. There they recreated the Beach. While I waited in line to get tickets, The kids built with legos. All three together!

 And then we headed to the Beach! It's a huge ball pit, basically. Here's Nolan...
 Ready, set, JUMP!
 It was hard to keep your head above "water."

 The kids played in it for hours. I was worn out after 30 minutes. Of course, I also had a dress on and kept getting balls where they shouldn't have been!
 Ava taking a break on a beach chair.
 Like all beaches, this one was a little busy too!
I was a little worried about Abby at the Holocaust Museum, but she did well. They've studied it at school, and she's read books, so she knew a little what to expect. They also saw the National Archive Museum (where Dave was thrilled to see the Declaration of Independence) and we also ate lunch at The Dubliner, one of the first authentic Irish pubs (and also where Dave and I have gone in visits past). From there... back to the pool! It was always fun to have a morning out in the heat, and then head "home" to the pool for the afternoon.

On our final day before heading to the airport, we went to the National Zoo, and got to take Jack along with us. It was a really neat zoo (I love zoos!) and while hot didn't disappoint.
 Look at the love!
 Lunch is always good...
 Jack and Ava... both first graders in the fall.
 The pandas! I love the pandas!
 And panda monitoring. Who would've thought?

 I love this picture!
 And then we headed home for some pool time before it was time to head out. Brian and Tammy surprised us with a shrimp and crab meal... so crazy good!

 Woah, that's a lot of crab! We were so messy, and really didn't want to leave. But, our plane called. We waited way too long to go and visit, but I already want to go back. Brian and Tammy are the best kind of hosts, and there's so much to see and do in DC. Perhaps this will need to be an annual Gawrych pilgrimmage!