Tuesday, October 20, 2015

First World problem...

Coming into this trip to India, I thought I loved the Leela most of all. It's the beautiful hotel in Delhi with beautiful lobby, amazing service, delicious food, and amazing bathtub. But I spent two days there and it was nice. Great even. The room smelled a bit musty, but truly a good experience. And now I checked into the Westin in Pune. I gave them my name when I walked in, had three people introduce themselves, one walk me to my room, tell me that she knew that the last time I was here, I commented that they didn't provide enough towels, so she made sure there were towels in my room. She then sent up chocolates and had the spa call me because I have the day off on Thursday. And then there's the Westin Heavenly Bed, and an amazing bathtub as well. So far, I think the Westin is winning.

In other India news... the food is still spicy (but good!), and I still get car sick. And I still appreciate utensils. Unfortunately this guy at the airport doesn't.

Other sites at the airport... this cracks me up every time. Really? Yes, I'm a 14 year old boy apparently.
Also, I took a picture of the sinks at the office. They all smell like moth balls because the same thing is in them as in a urinal, I think. And while they have Kohler everything, I think it's from 1976.

It's also entering into Holiday season in India. This week Thurdsay is the beginning with Vijayadishami, and then Diwali, or Festival of Lights, is at the end of October. Here are some Diwali decorations... it's kind of akin to Christmas. But you know, not Christian. These cute elephants were in the lobby of the Leela...

 And the airport...

In other random pictures... Ava (in her India clothes) lost a top tooth. Just in time for Halloween!

You can't tell at all from these pics, but the Newark airport has some new really cool restaurants and bars throughout the middle of the terminals.

I thought this was funny, so saved it to my pictures.  
 I want to make this for Thanksgiving.
 I love the hands at the Delhi airport.

 This is part of why I love the Leela. An Indian welcome when I arrive.
 Max's gourd, which looked like a dead goose. So Dave helped him make arrows.
 I ate at Chili's. I wasn't going to, but they said it was "Indianized." I wasn't sure what that meant so I tried it. Now I need to go to a Chili's when I get home to restore my thoughts of real Chili's.

A selfie from my hotel window. 

And that's it! Work tomorrow, off on Thursday (can you say massage), meeting on Friday and HOME by 8:30 AM on Saturday!!

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