Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Ok, since I used the extra hour yesterday to sleep, I thought I'd put out Halloween pics out today. But don't expect too much... I got an extra hour of sleep, but that just makes me want more! For Halloween we had a good time... neighbors and friends came over at 3, trick or treat from 5-7, and then everyone came back for a party from 7 (or until the kids were too cold and tired) until everyone went home at midnight.

Pics are random... bear with me!

Ava smiles...

The kids meditating to Wii Fit. Quietest they've ever been!

The Littles taking a bath. (Have I mentioned the new nicknames? Ava=Little Little, Max=Big Little, Nolan=Little Big and Abby=Big Big)

You know that kid you see in the store with the bright yellow boots and you think, nice boots? Yeah, that's my kid.

That's a sled they're on. They were hill sledding. I guess they're looking forward to snow.

Another smile. A little evil.

Here's a Halloween party pic. One of the games was ring toss onto the witches hat.

Another game... pick out a rat, bat, mouse and spider from the vampire blood (or red jello, as the case may be).

And we also wrapped the mummies. Cutest mummy ever!

Here's a pic from the pumpkin patch. I took the kids there Thursday (they had Wednesday-Friday off last week).

We have a Big Sister, Little Sister frame we've been trying to fill. This pic might do the trick.

The annual sorting and counting of the candy. Somewhere around 135 pieces.

Ava did NOT like to be in the costume. Or she was just tired. She was a little monster and it was so cute. I also put a little bat tattoo on her cheek that was adorable.

The crew.

Pumpkin carving. Don't worry, Max was fully supervised with his knife.

Little pumpkin

The pumpkin patch again.

That's it! And now it's November. Soon the snow will fly and it will be 2010. How can that be???


Stacy said...

Great pictures! I love them! Looks like another success Halloween with another Gawrych. ;-)

Lisa said...

Since when did Max suddenly look so much older from when we just saw you guys over the summer??!! Ava looks mcuh older as well, love the smiles and all the costumes!!

Jennifer Fink said...

I love all the pics. :)

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