Well, she's been a part of our family for over nine years, but today was the end of the road for Sadie. She's been getting nippier with the kids, and this week she seems to have developed major digestive issues. We can't really deal with either one of those situations, and we're not willing to spend a lot of money at the vet to figure out what's going on with her, so last night Dave and I decided that he should take to to the humane society to put her down. I took these pictures just before they left, and I was ok until Dave emailed me how hard it was to take her collar off of her and send her in (she had to go by herself). I'm glad I didn't have to do it... I don't think I could have.
We told the kids last night and we thought they were sad. Then Abby said "Can we get a new puppy?" all excited. Ah, no. Nolan asked if he could go to puppy heaven with Sadie. Then before bed Nolan started crying and said he was said that Sadie was going to die. That was hard too.
Sadie, you were a great dog... Even though our patience wore thin with you, you were our baby before we had any, our babysitter once they came along, and always our protector. What more could we ask for?

We'll miss you, Sadie!
Sorry to hear Sadie is gone! She was a good dog...
So sorry - it's hard to say goodbye to our animal kids. But they too have their limited time on earth and I'm convinced we do get to see them again in Heaven.
Sadie, the bridesmaid I tried to live up to! You will be missed!
I know that was a tough decision for you all! Lots of loving memories of such a lovely lady!!!
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