Here's Max, driving us to all of the places we went this week. What a good driver he is!
First, the zoo. For some reason, the kiddos love the aviary lately. Nolan really likes to look at each bird exhibit, check out the signs and find each of the birds in the exhibit. Abby's not as patient, but Max likes to wander around the birds, too. Here's the kids looking at the beach scene... looks like we were on vacation already!
We had free tickets to the shark and stingray exhibit, but didn't hold out too much hope. We'd seen it before and it's usually overcrowded and they don't come near you. But this time, it must have been early enough in the day so it wasn't very crowded, and we got there just in time to buy food to feed the stingrays. All of the stingrays came over to us several times, and one even tried to eat my hand! Luckily, they don't have teeth and just sucked on it a little bit. It was very strange, though. Max even put his hand in the water, but Abby was too scared.
For the first time we let the kids take a camel ride. They seemed to enjoy it! The camel's name was Omar.
After the zoo on Wednesday, we headed down to Chicago. Thursday we went into the city with Dave's parents. The weather was perfect! Here's Abby showing Max the sights!
A family picture at the end of Navy Pier
Abby, Nolan, Grandma, Grandpa and... Bozo?
We also went to the Children's Museum at Navy Pier. There was this girl on the end of the bench, and apparently, Max really liked her.
Max also spent a bunch of time going in circles around this thing in the entrance. It was pretty neat to look at!
And he drove every vehicle he could. I think I better watch him before he turns 16 so he doesn't steal the car!
They had a really cool exhibit where you can build, and the kids (and Dave!) really got into it.
In the Waterworks exhibit, Max thought the water was ok, but really loved the tunnel!
Abby IS a monkey!
Grandma and Grandpa deep into a game of checkers
Abby and Nolan setting up the dominos
And Monster Max knocking them down.
Turtle Nolan!
Palaentologists Abby and Nolan
How did Turtle Nolan become Butterfly Nolan?
Abby and Nolan relaxed with the water at Navy Pier. Max was sleeping so they finally got a little break from his antics!
Abby and Max on the ferris wheel
Nolan and the skyline from the ferris wheel
It was a little chilly out, but the kids were just drawn to the fountain, and got pretty wet!
A little crack the whip
Nolan with a dry shirt on, showing off his muscles.
Nolan and Max checking out Grandma and Grandpa's refrigerator as we hung out on Friday
Abby enjoying the pool. She loves to get thrown by Dave as high and far as she can go. Today she mastered the backflip!
Even Max got into the pool... and wouldn't get out! He just kept climbing the ladder and jumping in and Dave would catch him underwater and bring him back out. He loved it!
Then we headed to Choo Choo Johnny's, a restaurant down there. The train brings out your food, which was pretty neat for the kids.
Saturday was the planetarium. It was a little rainy out, so it was nice to be inside all day for that.
This little girl and Max were playing while the kids and Dave were watching a show. She's about three weeks younger than Max but could't walk, and thought he was pretty funny. Until he clocked her in the head. That boy is TROUBLE!!
That's all I got tonight! It really was a good week, although hard to keep track of Max. He just goes, goes, goes, and doesn't matter is anyone else goes with him. He cries in the car because he's confined to his carseat, and wants to touch, grab, take or hit anything within reach of him. But he's also a lot of fun, and Abby and Nolan are really great with him, so I won't complain too loudly!
I may be back before next weekend, or I may not, not sure. Heading up to Eau Claire on Tuesday, and I may update from there. Have a great week!
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