But, what have we been doing with all our free time up until now? We spent most of last week up at my mom and dad's house (well, the kids and I did... Dave was busy with his client forum in Milwaukee. A tough week because he's so close to home, but still is gone most of the week!). My parents are getting the house ready to sell so they can move closer to my sister and me (Yeah!) so they threw a get-together for friends and relatives to celebrate that and my dad's (almost) retirement. With both my sister and her three kids and me and my three kids there, sleeping quarters get a little tight, but we get by. And we make up fun all our own!
Getting the pics in this blog to be in the order I want them in is kind of a pain, so I'll just give you the highlights in random order. Here's a pic from the party. My dad is in the beige shirt, back facing the camera, and their neighber Les is in the striped shirt across from him. Dad and Les took up their positions at the picnic table, Bud Light in front of them, at 9:30 in the morning. Hey, it was 5 o'clock somewhere! (And I clearly come by it honestly!) And they kept Abby busy, who was very busy opening beers for everyone. That girl has a future!

What else do we do at mom and dad's house? We go to the park, and make the kids pose on rocks!

The kids as Bud Light robots. It worked well until Cole fell over, couldn't put his arms out, and then conked his head on the floor. Hmmm... maybe not such a good idea?

And of course, the kids' favorite friend! And, if it keeps them busy and makes them nap, mom's favorite friend too! Although, this trip to the playland I had to rescue someone else's kid from the very, very top. It was not easy! And, I just don't think the mom (who was about 8 months pregnant) and the grandma (who was very overweight) were nearly appreciative enough. :)

Mom played more games of Peanut Butter and Jelly with the kids then she probably would have liked... thanks mom!
The ever favorite slipper socks! The kids loved slipping around the hardwood floors in these! And, as an added bonus, Max ended up taking them home. He started hanging onto them at night and rubbing them on his face. Hey, if it works...!
We visited Nana while we were there, too. Abby and Nolan have been wondering where she "lives" now.
Thursday was a little rainy, so we did what we could to keep the kids busy... here they are with all their hair gelled!
And what better thing to do on a rainy summer day than splash around with umbrellas?!?
Riding the horse.
Here's the kids at Irvine Park, a park we go to often when we go visit. It's cute... lots of play areas, a water area, animals (moose, bears, cougar, petting zoo). The kids really like it! Plus, it's right across from the Leinenkeugal's brewery and Leinie Lodge. Can't beat that, especially since it's Nolan's favorite beer!

Sending the kids into the cave!

Gee, Abby, are you in charge? Coudn't be!

All the grandkids...

It's not a trip to Gram and Grumpy's if the kids don't swing, swing, swing and swing some more! (And fight over the swing!)
And some time on the tractor!

Here's the kids at the Dells on our way back home. It was a rough, rough ride. We all got a bug of some sort, and it was everything I could do to not stop every 20 minutes to go to the bathroom! (Too much information?) But the kids were great on the ride home. So quiet, I almost fell asleep driving!

It took me awhile to get back into the swing of things when I got home since I didn't feel so good. We got home Sunday early afternoon, I slept for three hours and tried to join the real world. Monday was work, Tuesday was Y class for the kids, and Wednesday was the park. We met Nina, who I used to work with (she quit last week) and her daughter Gabriella, and had a great time. Here's the girls... what do you think they're looking for?

The boys, of course! They played hide and seek for a long time. They probably got itchy from all those trees, but there were sure great places to hide.

And if the boys got tired looking for the girls, they just rolled down the hill.

But don't wait too long to feed them... they get mean!

When it gets too hot, just head for the water to cool off.

Or take a quick swing.

And that's it! You're caught up with our life. I think things will start to slow down now. My hope is to start more regular posts and fewer marathon posts. But, marathon weeks deserve marathon posts! If you've hung in there until now... good night!
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