Monday, August 11, 2014

Or a random Tuesday

It's not just Saturday that crazy things happen at our house. The Tuesday before was also crazy. The few weeks before had been BUSY... my new job, the move, the plumber, the garage door fixer, every random inspection you can imagine. We were kind of done, done, done. So we were just hanging out in the porch, and it was raining, and Nolan wanted to go outside. I said go for it! And he was followed by Max. And then Ava. And then I challenged Dave. And it took a little bit but then Abby went out too. This was followed by root beer floats (and there may or may not have been some Rum Chata and some Hard Root Beer in the grown up version!).


Stacy said...

You are guys are the best! Love it.

Anonymous said...

Great farewell to the old house. And, I want one of those drinks. I have my own crown of flowers :)


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