Thursday, July 12, 2012


As I mentioned all too long ago now, I got to go to Atlanta last week (oops, week before now!) for work. The conference my co-worker Sarah and I went to was great... 13,000 HR people, with great speakers like Condoleezza Rice, Tom Brokaw, Malcolm Gladwell, Patrick Lencioni and Jim Collins. I sat through sessions, some great some not so great, had great dinners, great conversation and great drinks. I even got to see Jerry Seinfeld who came to perform for us. I'm really glad I don't travel a lot for work because I feel like I would just miss too much, but I'm also glad, every now and again, when I get to get away!

Be Inspired... I was, I really was!

I wish she would run for president... but she said she really doesn't like elected office.
 Sarah and I were a little late to Jerry and couldn't get good seats... I got a picture of his sign, and saw him WAY at the front, but couldn't get any better pics. :(
 Jim Collins... writes great business books like "Good to Great" and "Built to Last"
 Had to take this picture for Dave. It was on the vendor floor, and Kronos is one of his biggest competitors. Nice booth!
 Trade show paraphernalia... I love everything that you get!
And Tom Brokaw. Great to hear, but man he's getting old!

Of course, it wasn't all work. The weather was gorgeous, warm but not at all humid. Besides nice bars and restaurants, we hung out in Olympic Park for a little bit.

And went to the aquarium. Awwww!
 Alice the shark.
 I just loved all the big fish and the sun shining through. So peaceful!

Next year the conference is in Chicago... hoping to go then, too!

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