Abby and Nolan unpacking Christmas ornaments. I remember loving doing this as a kid. But then you get done, and the tree is still getting put up (yes, I'm a fake tree kind of person) and the lights are still getting put on and you have to wait. And it feels like you wait forever!

But Nolan can always find things to do to amuse himself.

And we made them go down and make paper chains. We had a million of these last year. I guess now it's tradition!

Here's the kids with santa at my Christmas party. Check out Ava! I was so busy getting the picture, I didn't realize that santa was going to drop her!

Either Abby or Nolan took this picture of my dad. Looking nice, don't you think? It was so nice to have him and my mom there. Even if Dave could have made it, the extra hands are always appreciated!
Great pictures! I can't believe how big Ava is. Just wondering - are shirts "optional only" at your house? LOL! Just wondering!
I love the santa hat and no shirt -- Nolan is starting a new trend! Adorable photos!
I am still laughing out loud at Max in that photo! My co-workers are starting to ask questions...
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