So, how are you? I'm fine. We're fine. I don't know if it's still the Christmas hangover, but while everything is fine I just can't seem to shake the mood. Despite great Christmas, New Years and holidays in general, I'm still just fine.
Do you read People magazine? Or any other celeb magazine? I get People and usually enjoy it, but can't stomach pictures of Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber on a yacht with guesses that they're a couple. They're 18 and 16 years old. Why do we do this to kids?
Are you enjoying winter? I'm so not. It takes forever to get out of the house. And then as soon as we're out, it's time to come in. And then the mountain of snow clothes appears. It's really old and I'm so over it.
Have I told you we're going to the Dominican Replublic again in March? I'm very much looking forward to it, but would feel better if I could just make a decision on plane tickets. The schedules are just not matching up the way I hoped.
The children are acting age-appropriately, especially Ava. She wants to do everything and throws a tantrum if I don't let her. Usually it's pretty funny, but when she continues to try to climb on the counter, eat a pound of candy, grab the knife or play with the candles and won't take no for an answer, it gets a little old.
Abby has crazy spelling words. Annihilate, isosceles, iditarod, quinine and other crazy words with long i in them. It's bad when I have to look at the list to make sure she's spelling it right.
Nolan has started a new Accelerated Reader program. Not to be confused with being either gifted or talented, it's a program all the kids eventually are a part of. He's super geeked about it and reads his book as soon as he gets home and it's to the point when I have to actually tell him no, why don't you play Wii for awhile?
Last Sunday I missed part of the Packer game because I volunteered to be a lector at church Sunday night. I was regretting my decision duirng a close game, but it was worth it. The fill-in priest we had was great. He talked about how Jesus' most difficult time (well, second most difficult time after that whole dying on the cross thing) may have been when he didn't yet fully accept who he was, before he was baptized. He was trying to find himself, trying to figure out what he was going to do. Knew what he was supposed to do, but also knew that was difficult and how that would end up for him. In the end, Jesus listened and figured it out. I like the thought that maybe he went through some of this angst, too, that seems to be a constant for me--what to do with my life. (You know, besides that husband and four kids.) The priest said to listen. I try, but it's really hard to quiet the voices in my head some days.
Anyway, that's my randomness for the day. Today I'm fine, and I'm ok with that. How are you?
1 comment:
Hi. I'm okay. Not good or bad. I feel like I have holiday hangover that I can't shake, too. I'm exhausted all the time and fed up with winter. I can relate to this post. Different issues, but I get it. I hope we both shake it.
Thanks for the random post. I enjoyed it!
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