Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's like she's two!

You know those terrible twos? The ones you hear so much about when you first start having kids, then your kids turn two, you realize they're not so bad, and then BAM! You realize it's the threes you needed to watch out for all along? Yeah, Ava's in the terrible eighteen-month stage. What's that? You didn't know that existed? Well neither did I! I swear, that child has got a mind of her own. Whereas Max killed me by being crazy--climbing stairs, hanging out in the bathroom, jumping off furniture--Ava kills me with her will. I WANT THAT! And if I don't get it? I will scream and cry and lay down on the floor and probably hit my head, which will make me cry harder AND IT WILL LOOK LIKE YOU BEAT ME! I must confess I'm a little worried about taking her on the airplane. And it's time to take her nuk away, but I don't think I can. Abby and Nolan were done at 12 months, Max at 18 months. Ava is completely addicted, and will scream, and scream, and scream until she gets it. With all the screaming she does the rest of the day, I don't think my willpower is strong enough to outlast her!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Yeah - I've got one of those! And I've got a mild Max. Not as crazy, but lately a bit crazier than I am used to.

I wouldn't bother with the nuk until after the trip. Why make yourself crazy? Just wait ... she'll give it up.

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