Yesterday morning, Ava and I put all her nuks in a container and threw them away. She played with them for a little bit first, put every one in her mouth, then finally put them in the container and closed the top, and then walked into the bathroom and threw them away. (Later, of course, I took the container out of the garbage and hid them, just in case.) I was worried, of course, because she loves her nukies, and because she has a pretty bad cough that wakes her up. But I put her down for naptime, and she was fine. She woke up too soon and I worried, but I went in there, covered her and started her music, and she was out again. Perfect! Then came bedtime. I put her down and held my breath... and she fell asleep and didn't wake up all night! Whew! We have a nukie free house.
Next up? Diapers!
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