Wednesday, April 16, 2008

To consult or not to consult...

That is the question. My boss, Joel, asked me if I want to consult Specifically it would be on joining two divisional marketing teams that we have into one corporate marketing team. It's intriguing... I could focus only on the one project. It would be "office hours" once a week for three hours or so. It would look great on my resume for when (if?) I do want to enter the workforce again. It helps me stay connected to the real world that I feel like I'm leaving behind. But will I get "sucked back in" and not be able to cut off the number of hours I'm working? Will I be expected to do other things? I don't even have details yet... pay? time expected? would it be worth it? And would it end up turning into more or something else? I just am not sure. I haven't been able to talk to Dave yet either... I think he's in Sioux Falls tonight. Should I just rip the band aid off and go cold turkey--no more computer, phone, people, connections (to work anyway!)--or should I see if I can feel like I'm here for the kids and do consulting too? Such decisions.

Regardless, it's a good problem to have. I was talking to someone else who left Direct Supply and they said "they never gave me a consulting or part time offer". Within reason I think I could write a job description and it would probably be accepted. Not a bad place to be.

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