He tries my patience and he drives me nuts. And yet, he's still one of my favorites. Here's the top 10 reasons why:
- The cheesy smile. It doesn't matter the picture, you tell him to smile, and this is what you get!
- The questions, and the stories, and the questions, and some more questions. In his quest to figure out the universe, he asks so many questions, of every movie, every car ride, every dinner. And then makes up a story about all he learned, which is almost right. And then asks more questions. Some days it's like Chinese water torture, those questions, but usually they just make us laugh.
- The eyes. I always wanted a blue-eyed child, but who can complain with brown eyes like these?
- The hugs and kisses. He loves giving great big bear hugs and kisses. There's nothing like being on the receiving end of those.
- He does his own thing. Legos, Star Wars, Cars. He plays his own thing for hours on end and truly gets lost in his own world.
- He reads the books I never thought anyone read. Sharks, dinosaurs, trains and other non-fiction books are his favorite. Growing up, I never set foot in the non-fiction section of the library unless I HAD to do a book report on one. Nolan lives there and truly enjoys them.
- He's just funny. It doesn't matter what he's doing, he always makes me laugh. From making up crazy songs ("I like my underwear blue and green, I like to slap my butt") to the crazy dances, he's our comic relief.
- He's a great big brother. There's very few times when he won't share his toys, and he loves showing Max off to his friends. I couldn't ask him to be any better of a big brother.
- He's a match for Abby. And me and Dave too! He is a willful child. Usually you can cajole, fanagle or otherwise get him to go along with you, but when he doesn't want to, look out! He will stop at nothing to get out of it. And if it's Abby? Well, he'll go along with her only when he wants to. She thinks she's the boss, but I really think he's in control.
- He's so big, and yet so little, at the same time. I'm not sure how he got to be four so quickly. Wasn't he just two? He's such a toughy... falling off his bike without crying, showing Abby the way or going upstairs when she's scared to go by herself. And yet, he's so little--scared of sleepovers, sleeps with the closet light on and really hates going where he doesn't know anyone. We've tought him to be big, but when those little boy moments come out, when he cries and just wants to be held, I have to smile and admit I love that.

Happy Birthday little buddy. Don't get too big too fast!
Happy Birthday Nolan!!!! I hope it was a good one.
Happy Birthday Nolan! You will always be Mommy's favorite #2 child!
I can't believe what a complex person a 4 year old can be! But of course, he is your and Dave's son...how can he not be full of...everything! :)
Happy Birthday big guy!
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