But first, we had to go to swimming lessons on Saturday morning. It was the first time we've tried lessons at the Y, and Abby was at 10:30 and Nolan at 11:15. Abby had to do an assessment for which class she belonged in, and she tested at goldfish level. I guess that's second out of four levels of lessons, which isn't too bad considering she's not supposed to be in any of the classes until she's 6 and in first grade. Once she did the evaluation she got a little scared and started crying, but she kept going and really enjoyed it. I think she mostly enjoyed that she could swim better than most of the boys. And then there was Nolan. He was ready to go, watched Abby during lessons in his swimsuit, watched his teacher during the class before and then when it was his turn, he cried. And screamed. And wouldn't let go of me. Finally I handed him to the instructor and walked out of the pool (parents are supposed to watch from the viewing windows, not from pool side). Eventually he stopped screaming, but he didn't get wet. I was NOT a happy camper. The frustrating thing was that he was almost proud of himself for not doing what he was supposed to do. We made it clear that we wouldn't go swimming at the Y, go to a hotel pool, or go to any waterparks unless he does swimming lessons and actually listens to the teacher. I guess we'll see what he does next week. The rest of Saturday afternoon and evening was filled with a lot of this:
"Let me out!"

Abby and Nolan with neighbor Cody

Max with neighbor Kyle (Cody's brother)
Big Boy Max drinking out of a straw. Or is that Elvis with that lip?
The missing pictures are Dave and me, Jenny and Rocky sitting in the lawn chairs all day with a growing number of bottles of all shapes and sizes growing next to us! But after a full day of playing/drinking, we had a campfire at night. The kids did great, running all around with flashlights and hiding out in the tent we set up. Then Cody asked if Nolan could sleep over so we thought, why not? At 11:00 when we all went inside, we got Nolan all ready, teeth brushed, pjs on, blanket in hand, and then he decided maybe not on the sleepover. So Dave went over with him, and Nolan conked out immediately and Dave came home and slept on the couch. Around 3 am, Jenny brought Nolan home because he woke up crying. Some days Nolan is such a big kid. And then there are those other moments when the little kid in him still comes through, and I'm so glad that it's still there some!
Sunday morning I went to church by myself (the kids were already muddy and dirty outside before I woke up! and besides, sometimes it's really nice to go to church and actually pay attention!). It just so happened to be First Communion weekend... 24 of them this morning. It wasn't too bad, but as I'm standing there watching the little girls, I started crying. What's that all about? Apparently it's not just the big things--weddings, funerals--but the baptisms and first communions too. I started thinking about when Abby will get her first communion and thinking about what it would be like and it dawned on me that I can remember (either real memories or from pictures) my first communion. I decided that's a momentous point in your life... when your child is doing things that you can remember doing when you were their age. I don't remember much before third grade, so at least I'm safe from this strange occurence for the most part for another couple of years.
After church I went shopping for a birthday present for a girl in Abby's class, and then came home to spend more time in the beautiful weather.
Max looked very cool in his sunglasses, but...
Midday Dave took Abby to her birthday party for Saige. 4:00 on a Sunday afternoon seems like it's too late, and it was at a place 40 minutes away, but Saige is Abby's best friend, so there was no way she was going to miss it. And it's because of Saige that Abby is able to tell her favorite joke. One of Saige's favorite thing to do is to come into Kool Kids Club (before and after school care), take off her glasses, and show everyone her lazy eye. So Abby learned the joke "Knock Knock?" "Who's there?" "People." "People who?" "People who have a lazy eye and have to go to the doctor!" Ha! When do kids learn real jokes???
Anyway, after a full weekend, we came inside and took a bath, and this picture of Max sums up what everyone felt:

He didn't even have it in him to let him put a diaper on him, but luckily I was able to wrangle it on him in his sleep.

Hope everyone else had as great a weekend as we did!
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