It seems that when I'm short on time, the blog is the first thing to go. I wish that weren't the case, because the things I capture here are the things I'll want to remember for years to come. More importantly, it's the things I'll want the kids to remember for years to come.
So, kids, when you read this in years to come, my message is sometimes you have to live life and not record life. It's just the way it happens some days!
Other than busy, we're doing really, really well. We survived Dave's first travel, and we even had kid activities going on at night. It was so great to have Alina here to help out. The first hiccup came when I neglected to put on the calendar that Abby had choir practice at the high school on Tuesday. Oops! Alina tried to call, but I missed my phone ringing. Ugh. But, she figured it out and got her there no problem and all was well. Dave left Wednesday, and Alina brough the kids to the Y for Nolan's basketball practice Wednesday night. I was supposed to meet her there, but ended up running late and meeting her back at home. She was a lifesaver. Then on Thursday, I had a meeting with Nolan at church for First Reconciliation. The other kids didn't want to come with, so after eating delicious tacos that Alina made, I headed off to church with Nolan, leaving both the mess and the kids with her. Dave came home Friday.
This week would have been more than stressful without her here. And the kids seem to be loving it. They make playdoh, go to the pet store and take the animals out of the cages, have a general good time. I can only imagine once she gets into the swing of things! Even Nolan, when I asked him how he likes Alina, enthusiastically responded, "I really like her!" When I asked why, he said "Because she's SO fun!" I just laughed... it's rare to get that kind of enthusiasm out of Nolan!
Anyway, we're figuring out this new life, and so far so good. It's a crazy life, but for now we'll take it!
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