Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh are so 6 BC

Today we hauled out the Christmas decorations, set up the tree, and started listening to Christmas music. Usually I'm all about it, the one listening to Joy to the World shortly after Halloween, and Dave usually yells at me because I pull out all the Christmas stuff before he's ready to start working on it (almost always the day after Thanksgiving). But this year, I'm not so into it yet. It could be because Ava has been sick since Thanksgiving night, when she was up throwing up once an hour every hour, and decided to not eat anything at all all day Friday. Or maybe because the rest of us got sick at various times since then. Or maybe it's the thought of a lot of work... both real work and shopping work and work that's not really work but that feels like work I should do like baking cookies. Whatever it is, I'm a little bah humbuggy.

But, I did have a nice evening with Max tonight. The other kids were all watching A Christmas Story with Dave and I was quietly reading in the front room. I was a little annoyed when he came in and was chatting with me, but then he pulled out and started playing with the nativity figurines I got for them to play with a few years back.We acted out Mary and Joseph walking a long way, but there wasn't a room in the hotel for them, so they slept in the barn. We set up all the animals, and then Jesus was born. The wise men followed the star, and stopped at Walmart to buy baby Jesus gifts. They decided on a video watch, a pet dragon and spy glasses in his size.

I'm still not completely ready to sing carols, but that put a smile on my face!

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