Monday, October 10, 2011

These kids are gonna be the death of me!

On Saturday, while I was happily heading to Ikea with my mom, sister, Abby and my niece, Dave called me and said Nolan had a little accident while doing tricks off the ramp with his scooter. Basically, he fell, and his face took the brunt and he looked like this:
Those chipped front teeth? NOT baby teeth. Ugh.

But, after an hour and a half at the dentist, he came out looking like this:
Still painful face, but at lesat his teeth are as back to normal as they're going to get!!

Then, while Dave had Nolan at the dentist, I got a call from school. Abby has been a little under the weather, so I assumed it was that, but no. I got a call directly from Mr. Heimark the principal. Apparently while Abby was on the swings, some boy thought she was done and tried to take it. When she said she wasn't done, he punched her. In the face. Again, UGH! What do you do with that when you're in the middle of a meeting? She was back in class, so it couldn't be too horrible, but still. I had to work late tonight, and she called me around 7:00 and was just beside herself, and I felt so bad for not being here for her. Luckily, I got home before bedtime, saw for myself that there wasn't a mark anymore, got to give her a hug and all seemed to be ok.

Between these two, and Ava's craziness, I'm afraid I have to call Max the normal one right now. Oh my!!


Stacy said...

Yikes! Glad they were able to fix Nolan up. They did a great job! And poor Abby. I hope she is feeling better, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh my... what a rough couple of days. Hope they're both on the upswing, Ava isn't a crabby chicken and Max stays "normal" ... at least by his standards!


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