On Tuesday, I got the all clear from my doc to run again. Well, to run a little bit, anyway. She told me I could run 1/2 mile, then cross train (bike, swim, walk, elliptical), wait a day and then do it again, and if it's ok, I could slowly increase my mileage. So yesterday I dropped Abby off at volleyball practice and then found a treadmill. I walked for half a mile, then started to jog. It felt... surprisingly good! So good, in fact, that I ran a mile instead of a half. I just couldn't stop that quickly. Then today, Abby told me she wanted to run this morning. Who am I to refuse? So we tood a 3-mile jog (it was quite slow compared to my normal pace, so it really was like cross training. Really!)
While I was jogging at the Y, and reading Runner magazine, I kind of got the itch again. Maybe I would actually like to run more. Hmmm... My friend Holly told me not to make any decisions on another marathon until I fully recovered from the first. It's like having a baby--if you had to decide right after birth, you'd never do it again. This weekend makes me wonder... is she right? I guess time will tell!!
1 comment:
Hey, that's good news! I'm glad to hear you can run a bit again. May I suggest a half marathon? It's a great distance...
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