Thursday, May 6, 2010

Laundry causes me angst

Laundry seriously causes me major stress. It never used to be a big deal because, well, I never did it. I guaranteed that over 10 years ago by washing Dave's wool suit and he declared himself the official laundry guy. But when I started staying home, that changed. Dave no longer had as much time and, well, I did (kind of). So, in order for him not to have to do it at night or on weekends, I took it over during the day. Mind you, he's better at it still--I leave stuff in the washer and dryer, I hang crooked, fold poorly--but with four kids, clean is clean at least.

So, imagine my wonder and amazement when I got home and heard angels singing. All the laundry was done! AND... it was all put away! I think part of the angst it causes me comes from the location of our laundry room, right inside the garage door, next to the kitchen. If there's a mess there, I see it each and every day. And when I got home last night, it was all clean. It made me so happy, and knowing that for today I don't have to deal with laundry, I'm over the top happy again today!


Anonymous said...

You must be married to one gem of a husband!?

Jessica said...

I dislike it because it's a job we can never say is done. It's always there, always demanding our attention. My biggest sin is leaving the clean clothes in the washer for too long... after a day they don't smell very good and they have to be washed all over again.

My heart is happy for your relief to return home to an empty laundry pile. I feel the exact same way when I get home and someone has loaded the dishwasher for me.

DeeDee1Whoa said...

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