A few weeks back, when Ava was sick, I called the doctor and talked to a random nurse. One of the regular nurses is out on maternity leave, so this nurse was filling in for her. I was trying to decide if I should bring Ava in our not, and this nurse made me feel really dumb. Usually I don't jump the gun too much on taking the kids to the doctor, but with Ava's ear history, I'm a little paranoid. So anyway, I took her to the doctor, had the nurse, who was ok, Ava was fine, end of story.
Except it isn't. When I took Ava in, I also got blood work done. I got the results through my online medical file, which said my result was too high. I expected that so no big deal. The nurse had called me and left a message, and I called back the next morning. She told me my results were all normal. What? I asked her for the number which was the same one as online, but she said that was the result from a different test. I didn't realize I had more than one done, but she said yes, and continued to give me results for three tests. Alrighty then. I planned on looking online to see the deal, but didn't have time right then.
A couple of hours after I talked to her, my cell phone rang, and it was the other, regular nurse from the office. She told me my results were too high and my medicine needed to be adjusted. What? I told her I talked to the other nurse and she told me it was normal. And said she gave me the three test results. Nope, nope, nope. I just had the one test done. I have no idea what the temp nurse was looking at or reading, but it clearly was not my file!
So, fastforward to this week. Ava had a doctor's appointment today, and yesterday I was worried about getting that nurse. I really didn't want her, and really don't trust her. Then, last night, Abby had a softball game and one of the moms was there. I kind of recognized her, but figured it was just from school. Then another mom was asking her a medical question and I realized that that was the nurse! Of course, her daughter is on Abby's softball team and in her grade. How's that for coincidence?
Luckily, I got to Ava's appointment today and, aside from Ava being just fine at 9 months (75th percentile for everything) that nurse wasn't there. I don't know why, but I won't question it.
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