Tuesday, December 28, 2010
It's done!
No, I'm not talking Christmas, although that has come and gone and of course I'll write more about that later. Right now, I'm talking about something even bigger, at least this year for us. I'm talking Abby's PICC line! Kim, the nurse, came today, drew some blood, and pulled it out. Her last medicine ball was this morning, and we don't have to stay up tonight to give her another one. After two weeks of pain, 6 days in the hospital, and two months of medicine and follow up care, WE'RE DONE! Well, almost done... January 21 she has the final xrays and doctor follow up, and then she can go back to gym class. But mostly, we're done. And I'm so happy.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas cards
I love Christmas cards. I love seeing whose will be first, and how long after Thanksgiving. I love seeing the new pictures, reading the letters, getting the cards in the mail. And, believe it or not, I love writing them out. I'm always on the later side of sending them out because I wait until my work Christmas party to take pictures of the kids in their Christmas outfits. And then all the writing, addressing, stamping, licking. And I have to write in each one. I just can't get it all pre-printed. This year I didn't like my card so much. For some reason, I showed Dave a couple, he picked one, and I went with it. I liked the color, but it had hearts (hearts!) on it, which so aren't me. And it said Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Also not me. But still, Christmas cards were especially fun this year. While I addressed and wrote in, Abby stamped, return addressed, licked and sealed. It made it go so much quicker! And even more than that, she was interested in who these people were that we were sending cards to. Some were easy... that's my aunt, that's daddy's cousin. Some were more abstract... that is Grumpy's old boss's wife, that's the mom of Daddy's best friend from high school. It was so nice to explain to her who each of the people were, and why they're still on my Christmas card list. The difference they made in our lives, and how much we appreciate each and every one of them, even if we don't see them very often. And for those we do see often? We appreciate them, too, and want to make sure we don't take them for granted. In this time of tasks and to do lists, Christmas cards will always remain at the top of my list!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Two lovely ladies
This post is very, very overdue. Two months overdue, in fact. Way back in October, I wrote about two women I got to hang out with, and said I'd write more about them later. Well, maybe you forgot, but I didn't, so here it is!
My cousin Sue and my Aunt Judy (my mom's sister) came to visit my mom, and I was fortunate to be able to hang out with them at my mom's house and then later at my house for dinner. My sister came and had Kate with her and Judy cuddled with her, as she has with all of our kids whenever possible. And Sue played with Max, and played with Max, and played with Max. It was so much fun just to watch them interact--it just cracked me up. And made me remember that sometimes, it IS fun to play with my kids!
But my admiration of the two of them goes further back than just their weekend here. I'm not sure I can capture it here, but of course I'll try! I'll start with Sue. Sue is one of my oldest cousins, and I'm one of the youngest, and so we really didn't grow up together or anything. When she got married, I was an altar server. Her kids were the first ones I'd ever seen as true newborns, and the first ones I ever babysat. Since all of that, Sue got divorced, is raising her girls largely on her own, and works with special needs students as a teachers aide. And her gorgeous girls, those newborns I babysat, are now 18 and 22. One graduated from college this year, one will be graduating from high school in May. One was a black belt, one is in symphony. Both are dancers and cheer squad. Both have been responsible for several jobs, for good grades, are good people. And not only did Sue raise these wonderful girls, but she's nice, and funny, and pretty, and skinny (I hate her! Just kidding. Mostly.). She's someone I'm happy to have as my cousin, no matter how little I get to see her.
And then there's her mom, my Aunt (and also my Godmother) Judy. It's funny how we don't see stuff when we're little, or don't understand. I feel like Judy has always been so perfect, always knows what to say, what to do, what to wear, how to decorate. I've never seen her on an off day, and yet, I know she must have had them. Obviously everyone has them, but when her daughter, my cousin Julie, died in a car accident over 20 years ago now, there had to be bad days, probably still are bad days, and yet I don't remember them at all. My mom and I get along great, but it's my Aunt Judy that I have always wanted to be like. I have always looked forward to the occassions when I get to sit and talk with her, and never felt like I was in the way. Having raised four kids of her own, she understands the tiredness of it all some days. But it's so much more than that, the little things I can't even explain. It's the way she signs her cards Uncle Judy and Auntie Al, from an old joke that goes way back when. It's the way she gives me a hug when she sees me, and I can just feel the love in it. It's knowing that she's following what I'm doing, through my mom, and I know she's praying for me. I can feel it. I just can't imagine a better person to have in my corner.
And I'm lucky... Sue and Judy represent two of the wonderful people in my family. There's more aunts, more girl cousins, cousins' wives, a mom and a sister. There's uncles and boy cousins too. We may not see each other very much, but I feel like I have a network across the country, people who would go the distance for me. And I am just so grateful for that.
My cousin Sue and my Aunt Judy (my mom's sister) came to visit my mom, and I was fortunate to be able to hang out with them at my mom's house and then later at my house for dinner. My sister came and had Kate with her and Judy cuddled with her, as she has with all of our kids whenever possible. And Sue played with Max, and played with Max, and played with Max. It was so much fun just to watch them interact--it just cracked me up. And made me remember that sometimes, it IS fun to play with my kids!
But my admiration of the two of them goes further back than just their weekend here. I'm not sure I can capture it here, but of course I'll try! I'll start with Sue. Sue is one of my oldest cousins, and I'm one of the youngest, and so we really didn't grow up together or anything. When she got married, I was an altar server. Her kids were the first ones I'd ever seen as true newborns, and the first ones I ever babysat. Since all of that, Sue got divorced, is raising her girls largely on her own, and works with special needs students as a teachers aide. And her gorgeous girls, those newborns I babysat, are now 18 and 22. One graduated from college this year, one will be graduating from high school in May. One was a black belt, one is in symphony. Both are dancers and cheer squad. Both have been responsible for several jobs, for good grades, are good people. And not only did Sue raise these wonderful girls, but she's nice, and funny, and pretty, and skinny (I hate her! Just kidding. Mostly.). She's someone I'm happy to have as my cousin, no matter how little I get to see her.
And then there's her mom, my Aunt (and also my Godmother) Judy. It's funny how we don't see stuff when we're little, or don't understand. I feel like Judy has always been so perfect, always knows what to say, what to do, what to wear, how to decorate. I've never seen her on an off day, and yet, I know she must have had them. Obviously everyone has them, but when her daughter, my cousin Julie, died in a car accident over 20 years ago now, there had to be bad days, probably still are bad days, and yet I don't remember them at all. My mom and I get along great, but it's my Aunt Judy that I have always wanted to be like. I have always looked forward to the occassions when I get to sit and talk with her, and never felt like I was in the way. Having raised four kids of her own, she understands the tiredness of it all some days. But it's so much more than that, the little things I can't even explain. It's the way she signs her cards Uncle Judy and Auntie Al, from an old joke that goes way back when. It's the way she gives me a hug when she sees me, and I can just feel the love in it. It's knowing that she's following what I'm doing, through my mom, and I know she's praying for me. I can feel it. I just can't imagine a better person to have in my corner.
And I'm lucky... Sue and Judy represent two of the wonderful people in my family. There's more aunts, more girl cousins, cousins' wives, a mom and a sister. There's uncles and boy cousins too. We may not see each other very much, but I feel like I have a network across the country, people who would go the distance for me. And I am just so grateful for that.
Sue with Max...
My mom, Kate, my Aunt Judy
Kate and Judy
Sue and "baby" Max
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Out of chaos, peace
This weekend my friend Jenny and I went to a resort/spa. We started planning it months ago, but with all the kids' medical issues of late, and crazy life in general between the two of us (she has four kids too... all boys!), I wasn't sure it was really going to happen. I felt a little guilty leaving Dave along all weekend to manage Abby's medicine, Ava's medicine, and life in general around here. But I planned it anyway.
The universe was almost against us, as Jenny got in a car accident Friday night, and couldn't drive her van to meet me at my house. Never one to let such little things get in the way, I drove to pick her up and we were on our way to Lake Geneva for the weekend.
After so much chaos over the past few months, and just the general chaos of life in general, the weekend was amazingly relaxing. I got a massage and a facial, and spent eight hours in the spa, checking out the sauna, steam room, whirlpool, amazing showers and just relaxing, talking and reading. We were running a little late for dinner and a Christmas show that night, but it all worked out perfectly. The show was a little kitschy but it couldn't be too bad all Christmas music. After that, we listened to the piano player in the lounge and from the second floor, over the railing, people watched. Well, we watched three couples specifically, for almost two hours. They were fascinating... at least in our heads and the lives we made up for them! We went to bed at 1, but slept until 10. It was all so quiet, so peaceful.
Then we drove home in the snow. It wasn't too bad, but we hit some major white out areas and large drifts. We stopped for awhile a book fair, and the continued on our way. It was the most relaxing relaxing I've had in a long, long time. The only bad part is that now it's over! But I'll look at the only two pictures I took there, and remember finding peace among the chaos.
The universe was almost against us, as Jenny got in a car accident Friday night, and couldn't drive her van to meet me at my house. Never one to let such little things get in the way, I drove to pick her up and we were on our way to Lake Geneva for the weekend.
After so much chaos over the past few months, and just the general chaos of life in general, the weekend was amazingly relaxing. I got a massage and a facial, and spent eight hours in the spa, checking out the sauna, steam room, whirlpool, amazing showers and just relaxing, talking and reading. We were running a little late for dinner and a Christmas show that night, but it all worked out perfectly. The show was a little kitschy but it couldn't be too bad all Christmas music. After that, we listened to the piano player in the lounge and from the second floor, over the railing, people watched. Well, we watched three couples specifically, for almost two hours. They were fascinating... at least in our heads and the lives we made up for them! We went to bed at 1, but slept until 10. It was all so quiet, so peaceful.
Then we drove home in the snow. It wasn't too bad, but we hit some major white out areas and large drifts. We stopped for awhile a book fair, and the continued on our way. It was the most relaxing relaxing I've had in a long, long time. The only bad part is that now it's over! But I'll look at the only two pictures I took there, and remember finding peace among the chaos.
P.S. I would be very remiss if I didn't give a shout out to Dave. He was in a great mood when I got home later than I anticipated. The house was clean, laundry washed, kids were great. I just may have to go away more often! :)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Something to look forward to
If you're looking for us from March 26 through April 2, we won't be here. We will be on the beautiful beaches of Puerta Plata, Dominican Republic, same place we were last year. They had an amazing deal going on, where we'll be paying half of what we paid last year. HALF! All I know is everyone better be healthy by then. If they aren't, they get left behind!
On the health-related note, Abby fell getting into the car on Monday, right on her leg. She went from no crutches to not being able to walk again. It was bad Monday, but now she can put more pressure on it. We go back to the orthopedic doctor Friday, and she'll have xrays. I guess we'll know more then. And Ava had her tests done. It was an ultrasound of her kidneys, which we haven't gotten test results back. She also had what's called a VCUG, where they cathetize her and put contrast dye in her bladder and watch her pee, to see if she refluxes (basically the same thing as acid reflux, only with pee). She has no reflux. That's good in one sense (the cure for that is amoxicillian for 3 years), but bad in that we still don't know what's going on. Hopefully this week will bring answers for her too.
But regardless, we're going on vacation!!!
On the health-related note, Abby fell getting into the car on Monday, right on her leg. She went from no crutches to not being able to walk again. It was bad Monday, but now she can put more pressure on it. We go back to the orthopedic doctor Friday, and she'll have xrays. I guess we'll know more then. And Ava had her tests done. It was an ultrasound of her kidneys, which we haven't gotten test results back. She also had what's called a VCUG, where they cathetize her and put contrast dye in her bladder and watch her pee, to see if she refluxes (basically the same thing as acid reflux, only with pee). She has no reflux. That's good in one sense (the cure for that is amoxicillian for 3 years), but bad in that we still don't know what's going on. Hopefully this week will bring answers for her too.
But regardless, we're going on vacation!!!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
A snapshot. Or more.
I'm trying to catch up a little bit on pictures. If you don't like pics of my kids, family and related events, you'll hate this post! Feel free to look at the first few of Ava (is she cute or what?!?) and skip the rest. I'll never know! (I also tried to get the pics in order and not taking up too much room, but I don't know if I'll be successful...)
Here's Ava on Thanksgiving. It's amazing how much of a big kid she is now, joining in with all the other kids.

Here's Ava on Thanksgiving. It's amazing how much of a big kid she is now, joining in with all the other kids.

Here's Abby with her friends Delaney and Holly. She had them over last week and we headed to eat at Applebees and to see Tangled. I was surprised on many accounts... the first was how much fun it was to go eat with these girls! They were fun, respectful, and all around happy. And two, Tangled was a really good movie! I wasn't expecting much. Unfortunately, Delaney and Holly had a birthday party at a waterpark today, and Abby couldn't go because of her PICC line. She was fine about it, but I felt bad that she had to miss the party.
Christmas decorating!

This seems to be a holiday tradition... here it is last year! Same kid, same stockings, same lack of shirt!

Nolan tried to get Ava to put on his get up, too. She loved the stockings!
Where's Ava?
There she is!
How big is she??
Getting big... and yet still little.
Doesn't the hair just make you laugh?
Close your eyes if you'd like to be surprised by our Christmas card!
Love these kids!
We had my company Christmas party on Saturday. Ava was PETRIFIED of Santa, as seen in the death grip she has on me.
Max was all about it. He introduced himself, and his brother, and his sister. Kid just kept talking!
"I want Tony Hawk Shred Wii." "I want a Zhu Zhu Pet!"
Abby was so nervous... as indicated by the space between her and Santa. And the crossing of the arms. But she did tell him she wants a friendship bracelet making kit.
The first presents of the year!
They had face painting there. It took the guy forever, but he did a great job!
Upside down baby!
And then there are these. I should have put these in their own post, but then again, maybe hidden way down here is a good place. On Saturday night, our neighbors Mayur and Brenda came over. And for some reason we started talking about Dave's clothes (and determined he dresses like he's 60). To prove it, Abby had a fashion show of Dave's clothes. Then Dave decided to put on my clothes. I'm sure you've guessed alcohol was a little involved.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Chapter 3
I had hoped the book about our medical journey would be complete by now, at least for 2010. But alas, now we enter a new chapter. Ava has a bladder infection. No big deal, right? No big deal, unless it's her second in two months (and actually, I think it's her third, but the first one wasn't diagnosed). There's a certain smell to her diapers that made me wonder, and then today she was just off, took a long nap, and woke up lethargic and feverish. I knew immediately, took her in, she peed in a bag (getting talented at that!) and sure enough.
So what next? An ultrasound and other imaging tests that I'm not too sure what all they entail. I don't know if she'll have to be put under or not. I'm not sure what they're looking for. And I'm not sure if it's related to my kidney issues or not. Or to the staph infections going around our house.
But I'm sure that this too, will pass. Tonight, I'm tired of it. Tomorrow is pharmacy delivery and home health nurse for Abby. The rest of the days will take care of themselves.
So what next? An ultrasound and other imaging tests that I'm not too sure what all they entail. I don't know if she'll have to be put under or not. I'm not sure what they're looking for. And I'm not sure if it's related to my kidney issues or not. Or to the staph infections going around our house.
But I'm sure that this too, will pass. Tonight, I'm tired of it. Tomorrow is pharmacy delivery and home health nurse for Abby. The rest of the days will take care of themselves.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I enjoy shopping. Really, I do! But mostly, I enjoy shopping at Kohl's, Target, Walmart, the grocery store. Last week I ventured to the mall to get a birthday present for a friend of Abby's. Her friend really likes the store Justice, and I'd never been there, so wasn't quite sure what to expect. I walked in, and right away felt a little clausterphobic. It has everything a preteen could possibly want--clothes, pillows, jewelry, shoes, zhu zhu pets, pink soccer balls, whatever! If ever a 12-year-old-girl said, "I want a...", they have it. Which, while not my thing, isn't a bad thing in and of itself. What was more disturbing was the number of times I heard, "I want...", "Buy me...", or "But you said I could get..." Lots of entitled girls, lots of indulgent moms. Clearly not everyone who shops their is like that, and Abby's friend who I was getting the gift for is not at all like that, but that day it was just really crazy to me. My plan was to walk the rest of the mall, but I got halfway done and just couldn't even do the rest.
Then, Friday, I got up at 4 AM, in the freezing cold, to get a TV. I've never done Black Friday shopping, at least not since it's gotten so crazy. I got to Best Buy at 4:40, stood in the long line that wrapped around the back of the building in the cold, finally got in, and then stood in the TV line for another 25 minutes. Then I stood in the regular check-out line for 25 minutes. But I got a good deal on a TV! And although it took a long time, it was all pretty organized and tame. Then I went into Target, saw the lines that literally wrapped around the store (up and down the aisles, all the way to the back of the store) and walked out. Same thing at Fleet Farm (I mistakenly assumed it would be calmer there... WRONG!). Then I went to the grocery store, got donuts and went home just in time for the kids to wake up. Luckily, mid-morning I got a two hour nap and was doing well by the end of the day.
And inbetween all that shopping was Thanksgiving. I glossed over the actual day, but know that I am truly thankful this year. For so many things. We were at my mom and dad's house, for the second year in a row, and the kids have so much fun with their cousins. And never fail, there's always a time when Dave and my brother-in-law are off doing something, and all the kids are somewhere, and it's just my sister, my parents and me hanging out for a little bit. It feels so old school and comfortable and nice. And of course, with all eight kids, no matter how good they are, it's always just a little bit crazy. I wouldn't have it any other way! And this year, our cutest turkey of all was my sister's youngest, 3-month old Kate...
Then, Friday, I got up at 4 AM, in the freezing cold, to get a TV. I've never done Black Friday shopping, at least not since it's gotten so crazy. I got to Best Buy at 4:40, stood in the long line that wrapped around the back of the building in the cold, finally got in, and then stood in the TV line for another 25 minutes. Then I stood in the regular check-out line for 25 minutes. But I got a good deal on a TV! And although it took a long time, it was all pretty organized and tame. Then I went into Target, saw the lines that literally wrapped around the store (up and down the aisles, all the way to the back of the store) and walked out. Same thing at Fleet Farm (I mistakenly assumed it would be calmer there... WRONG!). Then I went to the grocery store, got donuts and went home just in time for the kids to wake up. Luckily, mid-morning I got a two hour nap and was doing well by the end of the day.
And inbetween all that shopping was Thanksgiving. I glossed over the actual day, but know that I am truly thankful this year. For so many things. We were at my mom and dad's house, for the second year in a row, and the kids have so much fun with their cousins. And never fail, there's always a time when Dave and my brother-in-law are off doing something, and all the kids are somewhere, and it's just my sister, my parents and me hanging out for a little bit. It feels so old school and comfortable and nice. And of course, with all eight kids, no matter how good they are, it's always just a little bit crazy. I wouldn't have it any other way! And this year, our cutest turkey of all was my sister's youngest, 3-month old Kate...
Hope you had a great holiday, too!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
It's the noticing
Abby came with me to my doctor's appointment yesterday. While she was waiting in the waiting room for me, she was playing games on my iTouch. When I came out (it took about 45 minutes, so she waited quite awhile) I was hustling her to come on, we needed to get home, get dinner, get her medicine changed, too much stuff! We got to the car, and she gave me my iTouch back and told me to read it. She had somehow found a Notes application and this is what she wrote:
It melted my heart and, while everything I do for all of them is worthwhile, this just made it all the more special because she noticed.
Mommy i love you! You are so nice! You Are so lovable and sweet. I
could think of 1000000 amazing and nice things to say about you.you
are the best mom a daughter could have.thank you for helping me at the
hospital .it was really helpful.sorry for not putting the shirts
away.i love you more than anythingin the world! Well, bye!
It melted my heart and, while everything I do for all of them is worthwhile, this just made it all the more special because she noticed.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Week of Thankfulness
As we begin Thanksgiving week, I'm thankful more than I probably ever have been at the start of any Thanksgiving week. Mostly, I'm thankful today that for the first week in four weeks, I'm not at Children's Hospital or ER with one of the kidlets.
Second, I'm thankful that not only are we at home, but that everyone is on the mend nicely, and quicker than we ever thought possible.
Third, I'm thankful for all the prayers, thoughts, well-wishes, hugs and other support we've gotten through all of this. It's been truly amazing and overwhelming.
Fourth, I'm thankful for all the gifts we've gotten to keep us fat and happy. Cookies, McDonald's gift cards, card games, pillow pets, baloons, teddy bears, socks, slippers, pjs, puzzles, books, CDs, and one BP gift card from someone anonymous that I love because it gets me my English toffee cappuchinos on the way to hospital visits.
Fifth, I'm thankful for a short week, for celebrating with my family a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, for the start of the holiday season and for my own bed, which I'll be hitting soon.
Second, I'm thankful that not only are we at home, but that everyone is on the mend nicely, and quicker than we ever thought possible.
Third, I'm thankful for all the prayers, thoughts, well-wishes, hugs and other support we've gotten through all of this. It's been truly amazing and overwhelming.
Fourth, I'm thankful for all the gifts we've gotten to keep us fat and happy. Cookies, McDonald's gift cards, card games, pillow pets, baloons, teddy bears, socks, slippers, pjs, puzzles, books, CDs, and one BP gift card from someone anonymous that I love because it gets me my English toffee cappuchinos on the way to hospital visits.
Fifth, I'm thankful for a short week, for celebrating with my family a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, for the start of the holiday season and for my own bed, which I'll be hitting soon.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Scary comes in so many shapes and sizes. There's scary from last week, and then there's these scary, way too cute Halloween pictures! With the craziness of everything, I never got around to getting these off my camera...
A little late, but happy Halloween!!
A little late, but happy Halloween!!