Anyway, for those who would like to know more about her birth, here's her story... (and for those who don't, skip to the next paragraph!). All last week I'd been having contractions. But when I went to the doctor on Friday, she said nothing much was going on. So, because it was going to be hot, and because the prospect of any empty house was really, really enticing, Dave took the kids down to Chicago to his mom and dad's house to hang out at their pool. Saturday I got up leisurely by myself, took a bath, then got ready to go to the zoo with my mom and dad (it was my company picnic, and my mom works at my company now, too). It was strange to be at the zoo without kids, but nice to just walk through, see some stuff, and then we headed out. I went to church and then next door to a party at Jenny and Rocky's. I felt some contractions, but nothing major. Then they started to get harder around 7, and around 8 I decided to take a bath. More contractions, but nothing regular or painful. Around 9 Dave called and I was hesitant to even say anything. He asked what was wrong and I said he might want to come home. But I was worried it might not be it. I mean, what if he comes home for nothing? But he came anyway. Around 10:30 I thought ok. I think this is really it. By 11:15 I called the hospital, thinking I should ask. The nurse told me to come in. So, I got all my stuff ready and waited for Dave. He got home around 11:30, we loaded up the car and headed to the hospital. We checked in at midnight, the nurse checked me and I was dialated to 6. Yeah! I guess this is the real deal. They started an antibiotic (I was group B strep positive) and the doctor came in (unfortunately, not mine. A different one was on call). He said he'd break my water in a few hours. I was disappointed because I wanted him to right away, but because the antibiotic didn't have time to kick in, he was worried about that. Ok, I guess. He would break my water at 2:30. Around 1:55 AM there was quite a bit of pressure so the nurse checked me. Dialated to 9. Woo hoo! The nurse called the doctor, the baby nurses, the other nurses to get everything set up and then the doctor came in. He checked me, broke my water and said ok, push. One push later, and out she came at 2:05! The doctor kept telling me to slow down. Ha. Yeah right... you try to slow down, buddy!
A couple of minutes later, I turned to Dave and said, she looks like an Ava. He agreed. I guess it paid off to wait to name her until after she came out! :) (Dave wanted to name her Natalie. She's definitely and Ava.)
After that, it was business as usual. Dave went home around 4:30. While they took Ava for her bath and I was waiting for them to come back, I downloaded pics, emailed and blogged. Sorry I'm crazy!!
We hung out Sunday at the hospital. The kids came to visit and were all just over the moon. It's funny because Abby was a little hit or miss in the hospital, but since she came home, Abby has been holding her for hours at a time. Dave said it's not fair--he never gets to hold her! Max was all about her, wanting to hold her. When we brought her home, he ran to get the boppy pillow, sat on the couch, held his hands out and said "Baby!" No one else was going to hold her for sure. She was his! And Nolan is more concerned about the logistics. Why is that on her belly button? Why does she eat like that? Can she see me? A million questions... I guess that's par for the course for him! He also calls her a zeeryold. You know, a zeeryold. An infant. Not a one year old, she's a zeeryold. It's very funny.
She's been really great so far. She's gone to sleep at 9:30 and wakes up around 3:30 to eat and go back to sleep until 6:00 or so. I never believed in babies who sleep through the night right away, but maybe? But don't worry, I'm not holding my breath. It'll change, I'm sure.
She's even been to work with me already. We were all able to get out of the house this morning, Dave to work, Max to daycare, Abby and Nolan to their kid care, and Ava and I to work. She was definitely a hit. I had to get some stuff done, and I'd just hand her off and she'd come back to me a little while later. It was perfect, and she was a little angel. She was a little fussy tonight, but as I type she's all tucked into my chest just sleeping away. I can't help rubbing my face to the soft hair on top of her head. She's definitely a miracle... meant to be!
Here are some more pictures. There are some from home yet that are on the camera--these are still in the hospital. But still cute!

Oh, this picture was funny. Ava got cut off, but look at Max. Doesn't he look devilish?? He was actually saying "Ava!", which he pronounces very well.

SO Awesome!! This kid will certainly never need a sick day...she is starting out with nerves of steel, that is for sure!
ONE push?!?! No drugs?! You are a baby slip and slide my friend!
I want to kiss that baby head too!!!
I hope you are getting rest. :)
What precious pictures! Sounds like hers was a perfect birth.
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