In fact, things that would have sent me into a panic with the first two (you know, Abby and Nolan), I take in stride with Max and Ava. We went to Walmart this morning after I fed Ava. I thought she'd be fine, but of course she woke up in Walmart and was crying a little. We were close to done, but I took her out of her car seat and held her and she seemed better. I tried to hustle Max out of the store, but hustling Max out of the store is like herding cats. I just doesn't work. We only needed lightbulbs and I couldn't figure out where they were. When I finally asked, of course they were on the other side of the store. Ava whimpering/crying/sleeping, Max finding everything fascinating along the way. Then, when I'm holding Ava, Max wanting to be carried too. I'm carrying Max, Ava and pushing a cart. Whew! Sweating by this time! We finally got to the checkout and got through, and I knew I had to change Ava so we went to the bathroom. While I'm changing Ava on the changing table, Max went into the stall to go potty. I get Ava's diaper off and realize there's poop everywhere. Ugh. First blown diaper right in Walmart. So, I set to get her cleaned and changed and Max announces from the stall "I poop!" Ok Max. "I poop!" louder. Ok, I hear you! Good job! Get new diaper on Ava. "I poop!" I finally peek in the stall. Yup, he pooped. But it was in his pullup, before he pulled it down. He went into the stall, pulled off the pullup and the shorts, crawled up on the toilet and got poop everywhere--down his legs, feet, toilet, floor. Oh boy. I closed the stall and finished up with Ava, and by then he's standing next to me, naked from the waist down. I got him wiped up with a new pullup and shorts, cleaned the stall as best I could, packed everything up, got our hands washed and out we went. Then later, we still went to the grocery store. I will not be defeated!!
We also went to Ava's first doctor appointment today. Nothing major to report. Everything is great and healthy and she's regaining weight. Last night was another night of sleeping from 9:30-4. Hopefully tonight will be the same! Here's a couple of cute pics I took on my phone in the hospital that I'll leave you with. Good night!

I guess Max was just feeling Ava's pain...what is good for one babe is good for another...poor Jill!
I am, however, using hand-santizer as I type this....
We got to get Ben in pull-ups, he only uses the potty with me...I think Pull-ups will help remind him the potty is there even with Mommy is not!
He also sat on a big potty to pee when we were at a hotel! Big boy! He also tried to go poop, but the coordination was just not there....ok, time to start this potty training thing for real!
Have a great day, one without so much poop!
at least give warnings to those of us who are squeamish and childless... that would be me.... before you write about poop. i think i would have just thrown their clothes away.
I just went to the flicker-photo collage on the side of your blog....holy cow did Abby get big from last summer! Of course Max did, but Nolan seems a little bit the same....:)
You are definitely an experienced Mom.
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