Nolan: We have to go back!
Me: Why?
Nolan: I forgot my mask!
Me: What mask?
Nolan: My Batman mask!
Me: Oh, did David's mom make you a Batman mask?
Nolan: Yes! And she sewed David a Batman cape, too!
Me: Oh yeah? Sounds neat.
Nolan: Yeah, it is. I sure wish you were the sew kind of mom.
Me: Silence.
Yup, Nolan. I wish I were the sew kind of mom too, but I'm just not. I'm a bill-paying, keep the house organized, make sure you almost always have your backpack kind of mom, but not the sew, iron or bed making kind of mom. Maybe someday. But then again, maybe not.
Of course, that conversation followed the morning conversations. On the way to Max's daycare, he said "Remember when I used to sneak out of bed, when I was on the bottom bunk, to look at my shirts and pick out what I would wear?" Um, no. In fact, I don't remember that. But, it doesn't surprise me. Then, on the way out of daycare, after I told someone that I was pregnant, Nolan asked "How do you get pregnant." Um, well, mommy and daddy decide to have a baby (kind of). "Oh," he says. "And then what?" Um, then we have a baby? "Oh, and then God and Jesus make magic and you have a baby?" Yes, Nolan. It's a miracle. It truly is, and God and Jesus help us. "Because they have lots of magic? And once you want a baby, they help you?" I said yes. I thought, sometimes God and Jesus help us before we even know we want the help. And sometimes they don't help as much as we think we want them to. But yes, dear Nolan, just yes.
I wish I had started this blog when Abby was younger. I know she said crazy, and cute, and ridiculous things too, but I can't remember what they are. She still says funny things, but they're just not the same. I'm sure I'll capture Max's stuff, and the new baby. But Abby's are just lost.
Speaking of Max, we have words! SpongeBob, Abby (Abba), Nolan (NoNo--HA!), Mama, Dada, shoe, no and some others on demand. It's about time!!
And in baby news... I had a doctor's appointment last Thursday. I've lost 12 pounds since my first baby appointment, but the doctor wasn't overly concerned as long as I gain it by 24 weeks (I'm almost 18 weeks now... 12 pounds in six weeks, yikes!). My thyroid levels were still way off, which explain why I'm always freezing cold, with skin so dry it cracks and why I can't get off the couch. Oh wait, that's either thyroid or surviving winter in Wisconsin with three kids. Either way, but I hope it helps to adjust my thyroid meds. And (for those who care), for the first time in four months I didn't have blood in my urine. Yeah! Apparently I finally drank enough water with lemon to dilute and hopefully dissolve some of the kidney stones. But since there are several it's only a matter of time before they come back. Hopefully after baby!
And I'll end with some pics of the kiddos... Abby and Nolan found their Valentine's suckers from Gram, with lips on the other side. Nice, huh?

I tried to get a picture of Max's eye, but I don't know if it worked so well. Abby Was twirling Max and Nolan in a chair, and Max wanted to get up. So, Abby stopped the chair, Max got up, was super dizzy and fell into the end table. Oops! Big black eye. They asked me about it at daycare today. Hmmm, I wonder if Child and Family Services will come knocking?
See the mark below his right eye? Yeah, that whole thing was a bruise.

What a ham, even with a shiner!

Here it is a little better. Poor kid!

And this is our fun from Saturday. After the salt clay debacle, I was a little leary of doing another project, but Nolan brought home directions for making a volcano, so I told the kids we could try it. And, since it rained (and then turned to ice and snow) all weekend, I figured what the heck. I gave them each 6 cups of flour, 2 cups of salt and some other ingredients to start mixing together.

Then they started forming their volcanos.

Ok, and here I'm missing some pictures that Dave took with his camera. But, basically, we added water, baking soda, dish soap and vinegar and boom! It exploded. Nolan did one and it made him jump so high--pretty funny! But here's the end version. All in all, it was worth the ingredients and the time. And they had lots of fun.
Love, love, love the Nolan stories. -- nicole
Ooh -- we just did volcanoes here this week too! Although you were way more creative than we were: at best, we just wrapped plain old white poster board around our soda bottle.
And don't worry, I'm not the sew kind of Mommy either. Heck, I'm not even the keep-the-house-organized-make-sure-you-have-your-backpack kind of Mommy. I'm more the kids-I've-got-some-stuff-to-do-on-the-computer kind of Mommy. ;)
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