She looked at the spine and it was fused as it should be. It's actually fused in three places, which is normal, and when she looked at the picture, she said, "Those white areas are where the spine is fused. It looks good on all three." DAVE ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK. He thought she meant it looked good on all three babies. It was very, very funny. With the gallon of water I had to drink beforehand and wasn't yet able to let it all out, I almost peed my pants! Anyway, back to baby. So, everything looked good, good measurements, and then back to gender. She looked and got this picture...

Can you tell what it is?? Yeah, neither could she. That's actually a picture of the baby's head, but whatever. Long story short, by the second pass, the baby didn't just have its legs crossed, but had it's knees up to its chest and had its legs crossed. It clearly didn't want us to know anything. So, another few weeks, another few months, and maybe we'll know. Otherwise come August, we'll have a definite confirmation when it comes screaming into the world!
Oh man ... I wanted to know! Will you get another ultrasound or was this it?
By the way, that was pretty funny about Dave thinking there were 3 in there. I still remember when I had my first ultrasound with the twins. The doctor actually did it and he said, "There's the heartbeat ... and there's another one." I said, "Okay, you can stop counting right now!"
Aaaargggh! And I read this post all slow and careful so I wouldn't just skip to the end and the highlight!
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