For 15 months now, I've been trying to get Max to say "More" in sign language. I distinctly remember Nolan learning that from daycare, and how helpful it was. In fact, I remember taking him to my mom and dad's house, pointing out cows to him through the window, and him signing "more!" Um, sure! More cows. No problem. Lucky for me, it was Wisconsin, and there's always more cows.
Max just hasn't seemed interested in any of the signs. Or any words, for that matter. When he sees a dog, he very loudly screams "Dog!", but that's it. Jenny next door swears he said Mama and Hi, but I haven't heard it. Well, tonight I was giving him a bath and he kept wanting me to put soap on his hand and I'd ask "More?" And he signed it! I made him do it for Abby and he did. Then I asked him if he wanted to get out, and he said "No!" What? I asked again, and he said it again and shook his head. Tonight, when I asked "Time for bed?", he shook his head no until he grabbed his blanket. Then I asked "Time for bed?" and he waved at Abby and Nolan. When I got to him room, we sat on rocked a little bit, and when I asked if he was ready, he shook his head yes. I think we're starting to communicate! Now, when he starts to talk back, I won't be so excited, but for now, I'll take it!
And since this is called more, I thought I would show more pics. I know you've been wanting to see them! Here's the crazies that take place throughout our day.
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