On Friday, Abby had a Halloween party at a house that's close to ours, but that has horses. It's so close, in fact, that the day after the party we walked there to pick up Abby's sweatshirt that she lost. The party was fun, but what was really neat was that this is the house that, since we moved in, Nolan has called the horses there "my neighs." And even after he could talk and say horses, he still called them his neighs. So, when Dave called to RSVP, he asked if Nolan could possibly see the horses. Well, when they went to pick up Abby, Dave took Nolan with and they got to feed them! Very cool indeed. Nolan was just so excited. No pics of the horses, unfortunately, but here's Vampiress Abby before the party...

On Saturday we waited for Max to go down for his nap, and then rolled out the pumpkins to carve. Nolan really wasn't sure at first, and the insides were really cold, but they got into it eventually.

Here's the final product! The kids drew the faces and Dave cut them out. Usually he does the really intricate portraits and pictures, but he kept commenting how great these pumpkins were. It was nice that the kids are getting old enough to actually be involved and help. And instead of three hours to carve, it took 20 minutes!
After the carving, we painted the other pumpkins.

Poor Max slept through the whole thing. By the time he woke up, everything was put away, just like we hadn't been doing anything. Poor kid. I just didn't need pumpkin guts and paint all over the house. And if he gets into it, it's EVERYWHERE!
Saturday night Dave painted the kids' faces with glow in the dark paint. Here's two versions of Abby

Which teeth are scarier??
The artist with his work.

And the kids with Cody... we have to include him on the fun!

Sunday from 5-7 was trick or treating. Earlier in the day, the ice coming from the sky was not a great indicator of how the evening would go.

My Hershey's Kiss, Dragon Ninja and Vampiress.

With Cody the Red Power Ranger

The gang with Rocky Beer.

My little Hershey Kiss. I just love this outfit! Dave's mom made it, and Nolan wore this three years ago, and our niece Megan wore it probably five years ago. It's had some wear, but is still so cute.
Nolan the Kiss

The kids did great trick or treating. It was cold, rainy and windy, but they went for almost an hour and a half and were happy. Even Max in the wagon, sucking his sucker, piled in blankets, was a happy camper.

The kids did great trick or treating. It was cold, rainy and windy, but they went for almost an hour and a half and were happy. Even Max in the wagon, sucking his sucker, piled in blankets, was a happy camper.
And the kids wanted to sort all theirs out... They sure are different. Abby, taking up all the space she can

That's it for the weekend! Tuesday is Abby's Halloween party and costume parade at school, and Wednesday is Nolan's. Abby has no school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and I'm excited for my first days home when Abby's on break. Last year I remember feeling sad because I was missing her first breaks. Now I've got lots planned! It should be fun!
And now for the really scary stuff. If you have an aversion to naked kid pictures, please look away. You can judge me all you want, but I just had to take, and now subsequently post, these pics.
First, the tame ones. Here's Max, still taking baths in the sink. He loves it, and I can get the kitchen clean! But, he does love to splash as much as he can now, so the kitchen does end up very, very wet.

And then there are these. Nolan was getting dressed but got sidetracked by a video from Madagascar 2 that was playing of I Like to Move It Move It. Here's Nolan moving it, moving it, in all his glory.
Thanks! Pictures were worth the wait...all 9 hours of it. I'm glad you posted them, though. I have to live through you since mine are too old now to dress up and take around the neighborhood. Wonder if they still get costumes. Will have to call and find out! carol
Why do I think that Dave may have had some similar moments to Nolan's? ;)
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