Tuesday, December 5, 2017

What--Dave hasn't been working?

Well, it's not really true that Dave hasn't been working. I mean kind of, but there's still been a lot of work that he's been doing.

In May, it became really evident that the company he was with was not a fit. And not only was it not a fit, but I question their financial viability... things like he didn't get paid on time. So, it wasn't worth it and I encouraged him to just quit. And for once he listened to me! So, let the job search ensue. He had some interviews early on, but nothing he was excited about. And the kids were ending the school year, and I made the calendar for them starting in June. And on any given day, there were 2-6 activities that kids needed to be at. Everything from summer gym and cross fit to play practice and LaCrosse camp. So... I highly encouraged Dave to slow down the job search and focus again after summer. And either because he just didn't have time or because he listened to me, that's exactly what happened. While I got up and went to work early, he was home with the kids and playing taxi and refereeing fights and making up games and finishing laundry and cooking dinner and... everything. I had the good end of that deal for sure, and by end of summer he was ready for school to start!! And then the job search ensued, and two months later he got three job offers in the same week. A nice place to be! Long story short, he accepted a job with SAP and he starts in January. He's super excited and I'm super excited for him. But I'm also mourning the loss of a stay at home dad who's really good at it. I go to work, and I come home. And I wear the clean clothes he laundered and eat the food he made and shopped for and play games with the kids instead of doing homework and playing taxi. And he got the storage room cleaned out and the garage organized and cupboards whipped into shape. I've made a honey do list, and he gets it all done. It's been a lot of work. In January, when he goes to "real" work, he'll actually get to relax!

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