Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

As I sit in front of the tree, a million presents underneath and beautifully lit, I'm trying to find my Christmas cheer still. There's been lots of actions... Mass, one present open for Christmas Eve (and lots of presents at my mom's yesterday), baking for Santa, put cookies and milk and beer out... But it still just doesn't feel like Christmas. Tomorrow I'm excited for the kids to open their presents. With four of them it's hard to have that perfect thing under the tree for each, but I do think they'll all be really happy. That will definitely help my spirit!

I am so excited for Ava too. She simply loves all of this, and opens things and exclaims, "I've always wanted one of these!" Every time we're in the car she wants to turn the music and movies off and sing Christmas songs, so we've sung more versions of jingle bells loudly and off key than I care to admit. I haven't listened to many other Christmas songs, but those are certainly better than Johnny Mathis anyway.

Silent night... Will lead to a crazy morning!

8 crazy kids and a Gram and a Grumpy.

Ava's new pjs say Official #1 Puppy Hugger. It's so true... Even if she doesn't look happy about it and Buca's eyes are crazy!

Reading 'Twas the Bight Before Christmas.

And to all a good night!

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