Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wrecked. And remembering.

Today was crazy. I had the great idea I would work from home so I could see a little bit of Ava's preschool class, as well as take her to her first speech class. (I felt obligated to take her to her first speech class since, ahem, I kind of forgot about the open house last Thursday. Cut me some slack. She is the FOURTH child. I have something every night of the week this week for some child. Something is bound to slip between the craks!) So, here's how my day went...

I got up, worked out (yeah me!), showered and got ready, put away laundry, made breakfast, signed assignment notebooks, got the bigs off to school, got Ava dressed, gathered all her school supplies for speech, realized she didn't have all the school supplies she needed, left with Ava for preschool.

Dropped her off at preschool, talked to 1, 2, 3, 4 people I know at the Y, did about 30 minutes of work, picked Ava up. (Her class was only 45 minutes this morning, will be 2 hours when in full swing. Would have been helpful!) Talked to her preschool teacher (love her!) briefly.

Gave Ava lunchable in the car, Drove 30 minutes, stopped at Wal-Mart, bought missing school supplies, ooohed an aaaahed at each Disney Princess item (there are a million) and promised each one for Ava's birthday, tried to steer the cart and got yelled at, by Ava, each an every time for trying to steer the cart. Walked to the car, answered emails via iPhone.


Drove to Costco, shopped, shopped, shopped. Ava HAD TO GO POOP RIGHT NOW! Ran to bathrooms, mostly made it. Washed out undies, spent lots of time at Dyson dryer, still not dry, cleaned up Ava, put on skirt with no undies, checked out, grabbed extra boxes for a project for Max's teacher, tried to balance everything in the cart, with the boxes, with Ava, through store and out to parking lot. It mostly worked. Kind of.

{Sweat, sweat, sweat!}

Realize I'm running late, drive fast, fast, fate, hold undies out the window to dry them, try to keep purchased wine from taking out Ava as I take corners a little too quickly. Get to speech... would be five minutes late, but take a wrong turn and go crazy direction. Show up 10 minutes late. Still needed to put undies back on Ava.

Cancel work meeting to prepare for other work meeting, drive to work, spend an hour with two execs. Wrap it up, drive back home, get Ava... 10 minutes late. Feel like the worst.mother.ever as I drive up to see Ava sitting with her teacher on the front steps. Apologize profusely.

Come home, unpack bought Costco load, welcome kids home, phone call work meeting for 45 minutes. Go with fam to Buffalo Wild Wings. Sit. Enjoy. Drive home.

Go to PTO meeting. Be a joiner! Come home, go check on kids, all awake.

Abby couldn't sleep. She was scared and sad. Why? 9/11. Ugh. I thought about it today, of course, but it didn't hit me. I didn't let it nor did I have time. This is the first year she really knows about it, and not just heard about it. This is the first year she understood, and asked what we were doing when we heard. We thought about showing video, but thought better of it. I told her the only thing we could do was pray. For the people, for the families, for our country.

And suddenly I was thankful for the craziness that is my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The image of you holding undies out window to dry is priceless!


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