Yesterday I decided I want a dog. Not any dog, but this dog. Tundra is a 2-1/2 year old St. Bernard at the Humane Society. I spent all day trying to convince Dave we should have her. He spent all day reminding me about the hair, the walks, the mess, the poop! I spent all day saying the kids! They will love her! My head knows it's a bad idea. I want her anyway.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
You should see the other guy!
Tonight, Nolan took his first trip to the ER. In about the fourth play of the baseball game in which he was playing short stop, a ball took a wicked up, right into his eye socket.
In the car on the way to the ER
Ewww. I wonder what that will look like in the morning?
Waiting for the doc.
He was thrilled to take the bed to the CT scan!! Pretty cool.
In the end, there was nothing to fix. It's fractured in place, so at least nothing moved (and there's nothing to do). He cried when he found out he couldn't play on Wednesday. His coach was super nice, and after coming out of the ER, we were shocked to find him and his son (a fellow player) in the waiting room. He told Nolan it was important to take care of himself, and that it's important to be able to come and cheer your team on too. We talked about how this is when your good sportsmanship comes out. I'm sure that bruise will just keep getting better and better!!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Bus stop challenges
Awhile back, I wrote about parents on seventh graders hanging out at the bus stop, which I thought was crazy. Then, yesterday, I was running in the morning, and ran past one lone child at a bus stop. He was likely in high school, so fine he was hanging out by himself at the bus stop. But as I watched him, backpack on and all, I realized he was smoking. Ugh!! Eww! Disgusting. Suddenly, I'm not so dumbfounded by those parents hanging out at the bus stop!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Wrecked. And remembering.
Today was crazy. I had the great idea I would work from home so I could see a little bit of Ava's preschool class, as well as take her to her first speech class. (I felt obligated to take her to her first speech class since, ahem, I kind of forgot about the open house last Thursday. Cut me some slack. She is the FOURTH child. I have something every night of the week this week for some child. Something is bound to slip between the craks!) So, here's how my day went...
I got up, worked out (yeah me!), showered and got ready, put away laundry, made breakfast, signed assignment notebooks, got the bigs off to school, got Ava dressed, gathered all her school supplies for speech, realized she didn't have all the school supplies she needed, left with Ava for preschool.
Dropped her off at preschool, talked to 1, 2, 3, 4 people I know at the Y, did about 30 minutes of work, picked Ava up. (Her class was only 45 minutes this morning, will be 2 hours when in full swing. Would have been helpful!) Talked to her preschool teacher (love her!) briefly.
Gave Ava lunchable in the car, Drove 30 minutes, stopped at Wal-Mart, bought missing school supplies, ooohed an aaaahed at each Disney Princess item (there are a million) and promised each one for Ava's birthday, tried to steer the cart and got yelled at, by Ava, each an every time for trying to steer the cart. Walked to the car, answered emails via iPhone.
Drove to Costco, shopped, shopped, shopped. Ava HAD TO GO POOP RIGHT NOW! Ran to bathrooms, mostly made it. Washed out undies, spent lots of time at Dyson dryer, still not dry, cleaned up Ava, put on skirt with no undies, checked out, grabbed extra boxes for a project for Max's teacher, tried to balance everything in the cart, with the boxes, with Ava, through store and out to parking lot. It mostly worked. Kind of.
{Sweat, sweat, sweat!}
Realize I'm running late, drive fast, fast, fate, hold undies out the window to dry them, try to keep purchased wine from taking out Ava as I take corners a little too quickly. Get to speech... would be five minutes late, but take a wrong turn and go crazy direction. Show up 10 minutes late. Still needed to put undies back on Ava.
Cancel work meeting to prepare for other work meeting, drive to work, spend an hour with two execs. Wrap it up, drive back home, get Ava... 10 minutes late. Feel like the worst.mother.ever as I drive up to see Ava sitting with her teacher on the front steps. Apologize profusely.
Come home, unpack bought Costco load, welcome kids home, phone call work meeting for 45 minutes. Go with fam to Buffalo Wild Wings. Sit. Enjoy. Drive home.
Go to PTO meeting. Be a joiner! Come home, go check on kids, all awake.
Abby couldn't sleep. She was scared and sad. Why? 9/11. Ugh. I thought about it today, of course, but it didn't hit me. I didn't let it nor did I have time. This is the first year she really knows about it, and not just heard about it. This is the first year she understood, and asked what we were doing when we heard. We thought about showing video, but thought better of it. I told her the only thing we could do was pray. For the people, for the families, for our country.
And suddenly I was thankful for the craziness that is my life.
I got up, worked out (yeah me!), showered and got ready, put away laundry, made breakfast, signed assignment notebooks, got the bigs off to school, got Ava dressed, gathered all her school supplies for speech, realized she didn't have all the school supplies she needed, left with Ava for preschool.
Dropped her off at preschool, talked to 1, 2, 3, 4 people I know at the Y, did about 30 minutes of work, picked Ava up. (Her class was only 45 minutes this morning, will be 2 hours when in full swing. Would have been helpful!) Talked to her preschool teacher (love her!) briefly.
Gave Ava lunchable in the car, Drove 30 minutes, stopped at Wal-Mart, bought missing school supplies, ooohed an aaaahed at each Disney Princess item (there are a million) and promised each one for Ava's birthday, tried to steer the cart and got yelled at, by Ava, each an every time for trying to steer the cart. Walked to the car, answered emails via iPhone.
Drove to Costco, shopped, shopped, shopped. Ava HAD TO GO POOP RIGHT NOW! Ran to bathrooms, mostly made it. Washed out undies, spent lots of time at Dyson dryer, still not dry, cleaned up Ava, put on skirt with no undies, checked out, grabbed extra boxes for a project for Max's teacher, tried to balance everything in the cart, with the boxes, with Ava, through store and out to parking lot. It mostly worked. Kind of.
{Sweat, sweat, sweat!}
Realize I'm running late, drive fast, fast, fate, hold undies out the window to dry them, try to keep purchased wine from taking out Ava as I take corners a little too quickly. Get to speech... would be five minutes late, but take a wrong turn and go crazy direction. Show up 10 minutes late. Still needed to put undies back on Ava.
Cancel work meeting to prepare for other work meeting, drive to work, spend an hour with two execs. Wrap it up, drive back home, get Ava... 10 minutes late. Feel like the worst.mother.ever as I drive up to see Ava sitting with her teacher on the front steps. Apologize profusely.
Come home, unpack bought Costco load, welcome kids home, phone call work meeting for 45 minutes. Go with fam to Buffalo Wild Wings. Sit. Enjoy. Drive home.
Go to PTO meeting. Be a joiner! Come home, go check on kids, all awake.
Abby couldn't sleep. She was scared and sad. Why? 9/11. Ugh. I thought about it today, of course, but it didn't hit me. I didn't let it nor did I have time. This is the first year she really knows about it, and not just heard about it. This is the first year she understood, and asked what we were doing when we heard. We thought about showing video, but thought better of it. I told her the only thing we could do was pray. For the people, for the families, for our country.
And suddenly I was thankful for the craziness that is my life.
Ava's new look
Ava spends a lot of time looking like this lately. It's usually accompanied with "No! I don't WANT to!" It's really a lot of fun.
Monday, September 10, 2012
School year pictures
First day of Kindergarten! And a goofy smile! (It kind of looks like he has no teeth? And he hasn't lost any yet!)
First day of 5th grade.First day of third grade.
First day of 3K.
Ava was so sad to not be going to school with the big kids on the first day of school. And on the second. And the third...
Max standing to proud in his kindergarten line.
And Nolan, who really wanted nothing to do with me. He had Payton. And Kyan. Abby is way up there with the pink backpack. Her line is at a different door. I had to drag her back to say good bye, good luck, and get a kiss!
Another school year well under way!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Here's to good friends...
If you're like me, after reading the title of this post, you can't help but sing, "Tonight is kind of special!" Just thought I'd point that out.
But really, last weekend was really all about good friends. Brian and Tammy, with their kids Jack and Ellie, came to visit us from Maryland, and we love seeing them! They came to visit for Dave's birthday, too, but with the craziness of everything, we didn't get to sit and hang out and visit much. This time, over Labor Day weekend, we got an extra day to just hang out and do nothing, sit and talk, go to lunch, take naps, and talk some more. It's very chill. And the kids! Their kids are adorable. I'm a little afraid of what my children will do to corrupt theirs, but I guess they were willing to take that risk. Ellie is only 10 months, so I think she's still ok, but Jack is 3. That could be dangerous! See this evidence??
Jack loves to spend time with Nolan... and Nolan is a great teacher!
The park is always a fun place to take the kids...
Monkeys, all of them!
I miss a baby. Ellie is getting so big... nearly walking. And then there's Ava, hand in a bag of chips. Ugh! Apparently we haven't heard of bowls in our house.
How cute is he??
Nolan teaching Jack how to play catch. Jack has an awesome arm, and crazy good batting skills!
Wagon ride!
Abby is always a good helper.
And the handsome boys.
Ava was alternately protective of Ellie and jealous. This was a moment she seemed to be helpful. But she might have been taking away the wood chips. Or burying Ellie.
Hanging out in Cedarburg. We went, walked through the winery and some shops, had some lunch, and then called it quits and went to get ice cream. It's hard finnageling that many children! But I loved this outdoor furniture. It was made from recycled plastic. There were some really cool blue and purple pieces that sounds strange, but were really nice. And pricey!
Brian and Ellie. I think Max took this picture. I just think it's funny. :)
Adorable children! And so polite! Well, Jack is. Ellie is still learning.
Climb on Tammy!!
We really did have a great time... and hope they can come back soon!!
Here's to good friends... tonight is kind of special!
But really, last weekend was really all about good friends. Brian and Tammy, with their kids Jack and Ellie, came to visit us from Maryland, and we love seeing them! They came to visit for Dave's birthday, too, but with the craziness of everything, we didn't get to sit and hang out and visit much. This time, over Labor Day weekend, we got an extra day to just hang out and do nothing, sit and talk, go to lunch, take naps, and talk some more. It's very chill. And the kids! Their kids are adorable. I'm a little afraid of what my children will do to corrupt theirs, but I guess they were willing to take that risk. Ellie is only 10 months, so I think she's still ok, but Jack is 3. That could be dangerous! See this evidence??
Jack loves to spend time with Nolan... and Nolan is a great teacher!
The park is always a fun place to take the kids...
Monkeys, all of them!
I miss a baby. Ellie is getting so big... nearly walking. And then there's Ava, hand in a bag of chips. Ugh! Apparently we haven't heard of bowls in our house.
How cute is he??
Nolan teaching Jack how to play catch. Jack has an awesome arm, and crazy good batting skills!
Wagon ride!
Abby is always a good helper.
And the handsome boys.
Ava was alternately protective of Ellie and jealous. This was a moment she seemed to be helpful. But she might have been taking away the wood chips. Or burying Ellie.
Hanging out in Cedarburg. We went, walked through the winery and some shops, had some lunch, and then called it quits and went to get ice cream. It's hard finnageling that many children! But I loved this outdoor furniture. It was made from recycled plastic. There were some really cool blue and purple pieces that sounds strange, but were really nice. And pricey!
Brian and Ellie. I think Max took this picture. I just think it's funny. :)
Adorable children! And so polite! Well, Jack is. Ellie is still learning.
Climb on Tammy!!
Here's to good friends... tonight is kind of special!
Friday, September 7, 2012
How many lives?
In a former life...
... I was a pudgy child who wore pretty plus clothes. Pretty plus? That's just wrong.
... I was a big-haired teenager who really, really, really wanted Guess jeans.
... I was a volleyball and basketball player. I got a participation award in track. :)
... I was a single gal, living alone.
... I was living in sin with my boyfriend, prior to getting engaged and married.
... I was a married woman, pregnant and pregnant and pregnant and pregnant.
37 is a dumb age. At least it's closer to 35 than 40, but just a really random, in between age. But, I feel like 37 starts a new life. No more babies, all those big kids. I wonder how many lives we actually lead in our lives? Some easy to transition into, some not so much. I wonder what this next life will hold?
Here's to the life of a 37-year-old!
... I was a pudgy child who wore pretty plus clothes. Pretty plus? That's just wrong.
... I was a big-haired teenager who really, really, really wanted Guess jeans.
... I was a volleyball and basketball player. I got a participation award in track. :)
... I was a single gal, living alone.
... I was living in sin with my boyfriend, prior to getting engaged and married.
... I was a married woman, pregnant and pregnant and pregnant and pregnant.
37 is a dumb age. At least it's closer to 35 than 40, but just a really random, in between age. But, I feel like 37 starts a new life. No more babies, all those big kids. I wonder how many lives we actually lead in our lives? Some easy to transition into, some not so much. I wonder what this next life will hold?
Here's to the life of a 37-year-old!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Tonight, I'm feeling a like a bad mom. Too disconnected. Not enough engaged. I knew that Max was behind a little bit. Letters, numbers, not really his thing. It's hard to get him to sit down and concentrate, but I didn't worry about it too much. I know it comes.
But tonight was an awakening. Circles, squares? I thought it was just a given that he knew. Purple, yellow? Even Ava knows those. But when I started working with him tonight, it became evident that he's a lot further behind than I originally thought. It even flashed through my mind that maybe, just maybe, I should pull him from kindergarten this year to spare him the need to repeat it next year.
A part of me wants to talk to his teacher immediately. The other (bigger!) part of me is way too embarassed to tell her that I didn't know that he was this far behind. How could I not know? So what do I do instead of talking to his teacher? Well, first, I set aside time every night to work with him. And then? Clearly, I blog. I'm hoping that by writing this, I will be able to look on it in June and laugh at my worried self.
How hard could this really be? Something tells me that Abby's calculus will be an easier task than this!
But tonight was an awakening. Circles, squares? I thought it was just a given that he knew. Purple, yellow? Even Ava knows those. But when I started working with him tonight, it became evident that he's a lot further behind than I originally thought. It even flashed through my mind that maybe, just maybe, I should pull him from kindergarten this year to spare him the need to repeat it next year.
A part of me wants to talk to his teacher immediately. The other (bigger!) part of me is way too embarassed to tell her that I didn't know that he was this far behind. How could I not know? So what do I do instead of talking to his teacher? Well, first, I set aside time every night to work with him. And then? Clearly, I blog. I'm hoping that by writing this, I will be able to look on it in June and laugh at my worried self.
How hard could this really be? Something tells me that Abby's calculus will be an easier task than this!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Double Digits
Last week, Abby hit double digits. TEN! 10! How crazy is that? It just flew by. And when I think how old Abby will be (17!) when Ava is 10, it really just makes me shake my head. I know I lament all the time on how old the kids are getting, and it's probably getting old to read, but this time of year--new school year, birthdays--just show me over and over how big they're getting.
For her birthday, I took Abby to the Packer pre-season game. We were both very excited... not sure which one of us was more excited! I got done work early and we hit the road. She only got a little antsy when we hit construction, and traffic, and then parking lot for awhile. We were trying to get there by 4:30 for a 6:00 game, but got there at 5:30 instead. We hustled in, got to our seats, checked it all out, the game started, and two minutes into it, she was hungry. I begged her to watch just the first quarter so I could see some of Aaron Rogers, and she graciously agreed.
I have no idea why this picture is upside down. It's rightside up on my computer, but when I put it here, upside down!
Getting better!
We went inside and grabbed some dinner at Curly's Pub, and then she played some games. Not exactly what I thought we'd do, but it was her birthday!
I watched the game here... luckily, we were a lot ahead.
Oops! Back to sideways pictures.
In the middle of the fourth quarter, she wanted to head back in to the game. Since it was pre-season, and we were so far ahead, many people left already. So, we took advantage and sat on the 50-yard line. That was pretty cool to watch.
Afterwards, she really didn't want to go sit in the car in traffic, so we got some ice cream, and checked out the statues... Curly
And Vince!
Sleepy on the way home. As was I!
Hmmm, still didn't work!
Happy birthday to my crazy mixed up 10 year old!
For her birthday, I took Abby to the Packer pre-season game. We were both very excited... not sure which one of us was more excited! I got done work early and we hit the road. She only got a little antsy when we hit construction, and traffic, and then parking lot for awhile. We were trying to get there by 4:30 for a 6:00 game, but got there at 5:30 instead. We hustled in, got to our seats, checked it all out, the game started, and two minutes into it, she was hungry. I begged her to watch just the first quarter so I could see some of Aaron Rogers, and she graciously agreed.
I have no idea why this picture is upside down. It's rightside up on my computer, but when I put it here, upside down!
Getting better!
We went inside and grabbed some dinner at Curly's Pub, and then she played some games. Not exactly what I thought we'd do, but it was her birthday!
Yum! Pretzel sticks, cheese curds, french fries and chicken fingers. Now there's a birthday dinner for you!
I watched the game here... luckily, we were a lot ahead.
Oops! Back to sideways pictures.
In the middle of the fourth quarter, she wanted to head back in to the game. Since it was pre-season, and we were so far ahead, many people left already. So, we took advantage and sat on the 50-yard line. That was pretty cool to watch.
Afterwards, she really didn't want to go sit in the car in traffic, so we got some ice cream, and checked out the statues... Curly
And Vince!
Sleepy on the way home. As was I!
Hmmm, still didn't work!
Happy birthday to my crazy mixed up 10 year old!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Fall, fall, fall!
I really do love fall. The cooler weather. The sweatshirts and jeans. Going back to drinking coffee and savoring the warmth of it in the cool air. I even enjoy the fall beers!
But I'm torn about back to school. On the one hand, I love it! Putting the kids to bed at 8:00 tonight felt... so nice. I got work done and relaxed and it wasn't even 10:00 yet! Getting back to that schedule, to the kids having things to do on a regular basis, to the real world, makes me happy.
And yet. And yet... I want to hang onto them. I don't want Max to go to school. I want him to be happy and carefree and in his own world where the only limitation is his own imagination. I know he doesn't know what he should know to go to school, and that I didn't push him hard enough on his letters and numbers and writing. But I'm not sure I would change it. He just has so much fun in his own little world.
I don't want Abby to be the big kid in school, off to middle school next year. She's so responsible already, and moody, and happy, and emotional. And Nolan is so happy to get back to his friends. Every year I'm going to lose him a little bit more to his friends, which is the way it should be, I know. But I'd like to just shove some more advice and learning into him first!
And then there's Ava, of course. She's so excited to be going to school this year. Her schedule will be crazy on Tuesdays and Thursdays... swimming from 8:45-9:15, preschool from 9:30-11:30, lunch, speech from 12:45-3:15. She will be exhausted and crabby for sure. But she is certainly more than ready to go make new friends.
I can't stop the school year from starting, so I might as well embrace it. Bring on the homework, the schedule and, most importantly, the bedtime!
We had a wonderful last free weekend of the summer with our friends Brian and Tammy and their kids who came to visit (more to come on that!), and after they left today, we just relaxed and hung out. The bigs just wanted to veg and enjoy their last day before school. The littles were lost in their own little world. I think Ava said "Ava to the rescue!" about 30 times today for some reason or another. And I never really can claim to know what's going on in Max's head. I just loved this picture of them in their "hot tubs!" This is what I will miss from summer!
But I'm torn about back to school. On the one hand, I love it! Putting the kids to bed at 8:00 tonight felt... so nice. I got work done and relaxed and it wasn't even 10:00 yet! Getting back to that schedule, to the kids having things to do on a regular basis, to the real world, makes me happy.
And yet. And yet... I want to hang onto them. I don't want Max to go to school. I want him to be happy and carefree and in his own world where the only limitation is his own imagination. I know he doesn't know what he should know to go to school, and that I didn't push him hard enough on his letters and numbers and writing. But I'm not sure I would change it. He just has so much fun in his own little world.
I don't want Abby to be the big kid in school, off to middle school next year. She's so responsible already, and moody, and happy, and emotional. And Nolan is so happy to get back to his friends. Every year I'm going to lose him a little bit more to his friends, which is the way it should be, I know. But I'd like to just shove some more advice and learning into him first!
And then there's Ava, of course. She's so excited to be going to school this year. Her schedule will be crazy on Tuesdays and Thursdays... swimming from 8:45-9:15, preschool from 9:30-11:30, lunch, speech from 12:45-3:15. She will be exhausted and crabby for sure. But she is certainly more than ready to go make new friends.
I can't stop the school year from starting, so I might as well embrace it. Bring on the homework, the schedule and, most importantly, the bedtime!
We had a wonderful last free weekend of the summer with our friends Brian and Tammy and their kids who came to visit (more to come on that!), and after they left today, we just relaxed and hung out. The bigs just wanted to veg and enjoy their last day before school. The littles were lost in their own little world. I think Ava said "Ava to the rescue!" about 30 times today for some reason or another. And I never really can claim to know what's going on in Max's head. I just loved this picture of them in their "hot tubs!" This is what I will miss from summer!